Application of the PEGASUS gene-level association test to the Drosophila Genome Reference Panel
Developed using Pegasus Version 1.3 (Nakka et al. 2016 - Genetics)
December 12, 2019
Code is modified from VEGAS source code (Liu et al. 2010 - AJHG)
Questions: Contact
Perl 5
R (version 3.0.2 or higher)
Plink 1.07 (1.9 beta 3, 7 Jun is also okay)
Please note the following:
R and PLINK must be installed and in your PATH for this program to run. This program requires the R packages corpcor and CompQuadForm. If they are missing, it will return an error. This directory (PEGASUS) contains the following:
- source code for PEGASUS_flies program.
DGRP - directory containing genotype data from the 205 lines of the Drosophila Genome Research Project.
- list of genes and their bounds developed from annotation file provided by the DGRP (
Usage: Commands to run this program should have the following format:
./ [input pvalues file] [parameters]
The input p-values file is a tab-separated table of SNP names and corresponding p-values. For an example file of p-values, please see example.txt
. The one required parameter is to specify which reference genotype data or custom LD file should be used for LD calculations. If using the provided DGRP data, type: -pop DGRP
. If using your own genotype data to calculate LD, type -custom
followed by the path to and prefix of your PLINK bed files. Alternatively, if you would like to use your own LD file containing pre-calculated values for correlation between SNPs in every gene in the dataset, type -ld-file
followed by the absolute path to your LD file in PLINK format. Note that correlation values should be r and not r^2. (See below for further explanation and sample commands.)
This program uses the following flags for required LD parameter:
-custom [path + prefix of PLINK bed files for custom genotypes to use for calculating LD, must be in bed format]
specify path and name of plink bed/bim/fam files with custom genotypes to calculate LD matrices (ex."path/to/bed/file/mydata")
-pop DGRP
use given DGRP data as reference genotypes to calculate LD
-ld-file [absolute path + name of pre-calculated LD file]
specify absolute path and name of pre-calculated LD file in default PLINK format (see below) containing correlation values (r) between SNPs in each gene to be evaluated.
1 10000015 X_10000015_INS 1 10000031 X_10000031_SNP 0.872127
1 10000015 X_10000015_INS 1 10000035 X_10000035_SNP 0.804592
Please note that processing the custom LD file can slow down the PEGASUS program considerably for large genome-wide SNP datasets. Parallelizing gene score computation by running each chromosome separately is highly recommended with this option.
Optional: -out [path + prefix of outfile]
specify name for the .out output file with gene scores
-chr [# between 1 and 6]
compute gene scores for given chromosome only. Chromosomes are labeled 1 through 6 using the following conversion: X:1, 2L:2, 2R:3, 3L:4, 3R:5, 4:6. If you wish to include genes on Y and mitochondrial, encode them as chromosomes 7 and 8, respectively.
-upper [# of bp downstream of gene to be included ex. 30000]
This flag can only be used with custom genotypes or pre-calculated LD files. The default is 1kb.
-lower [# of bp upstream of gene to be included ex. 30000]
This flag can only be used with custom genotypes or pre-calculated LD files. The default is 1kb.
The following is a sample command using the given example files:
./ example.txt -pop DGRP -out test
The resulting output file test.out should match the given example.out file.
To parallelize the process for large datasets, it is useful to run each chromosome separately using the -chr flag as in the following example:
./ example.txt -pop DGRP -chr 1 -out example_chr1
When using custom genotypes, please make sure the length of the .bim file is the same as the length of the p-values file (they should contain the same markers).
ERROR: Could not place marker for left/right window edge
- this is a plink error message that occurs when there are not enough markers in a given bp range and can be ignored.
Make sure the directory DGRP is in the same directory as
— this directory contains files needed for the program to function.