Code for distributed Stein variational policy gradient on a kinetic monte-carlo materials synthesis environment. The paper is available on arxiv.
Main Dependencies
Tensorflow v2
tensorflow_probability 0.9
Installation Instructions
First, make sure you have the core dependencies above. Unzip the two zip files which contain the core KMC engine and the openAI environment. Then, install the kmcsim package: navigate to the kmcsim folder, and from the terminal:
python install
Similarly, install the kmc open ai environment:
pip install -e .
Finally, install the svpg code
python install
Running the script
Once installed, from the svpg folder launch
mpirun -np 16 python
This will run A2C and SVPG for 16 agents on the KMC sim. Change the number of episodes in . The core of the code is in svpg/train_rkv where details such as the hyperparameters are set. Work is ongoing to parallelize the simulations so that it will execute an order of magnitude faster than at present; we expect release by the end of 2020.
Once the code has executed, you can plot the results and test the agents (generating the same figures in the manuscript) via the provided notebook in the folder kmc-openai-env/supporting files/SVPG_KMC_Results_June12_Production.ipynb