This document provides instructions on how to set up and test the Random Quote and Image Application. The application is divided into two parts: 'terminal' and 'web'. Follow the steps below to get the application up and running.
Make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:
- Go programming language (version 1.21)
- Git
Open a terminal and clone the repository to your desired directory:
git clone <>
cd <repository-directory>
Navigate to the 'cmd/terminal' directory:
cd cmd/terminal
Build the terminal application:
go build -o terminal-app
Run the terminal application:
To test the terminal application, you can use the following flags:
- '-category': Specify the quote category (optional)
- '-width': Specify the image width (default: 40)
- '-height': Specify the image height (default: 30)
- '-filters': Specify image filters as a comma-separated list (e.g., "grayscale,blur")
Example command with flags:
./terminal-app -category 1 -width 80 -height 60 -filters grayscale,blur
Navigate to the 'cmd/webapp' directory:
cd cmd/webapp
Build the web application:
go build -o web-app
Run the web application:
You can use the following flags:
- '-port': Specify the localhost port of our web app (optional)
The web application can be accessed by opening a web browser and navigating to 'http://localhost:8080'.
You can add query parameters to the URL to customize the behavior:
- 'key': Specify the quote category (optional)
- 'width': Specify the image width (default: 600)
- 'height': Specify the image height (default: 400)
- 'filters': Specify image filters as a comma-separated list (e.g., "grayscale,blur")
Example URL with query parameters: 'http://localhost:8080?key=1&width=800&height=600&filters=grayscale,blur'