npm i sslcommerz
To call the SSLCommerzPayment
class, just pass the required parameters as like below (in JSON format):
this the mail class new SSLCommerzPayment(store_id, store_passwd,is_live) you can access all property of this Class and also can override
const express = require('express')
const SSLCommerzPayment = require('sslcommerz')
const app = express()
const port = 3030
//sslcommerz init
app.get('/init', (req, res) => {
const data = {
total_amount: 100,
currency: 'EUR',
tran_id: 'REF123',
success_url: '',
fail_url: '',
cancel_url: '',
ipn_url: '',
shipping_method: 'Courier',
product_name: 'Computer.',
product_category: 'Electronic',
product_profile: 'general',
cus_name: 'Customer Name',
cus_email: '',
cus_add1: 'Dhaka',
cus_add2: 'Dhaka',
cus_city: 'Dhaka',
cus_state: 'Dhaka',
cus_postcode: '1000',
cus_country: 'Bangladesh',
cus_phone: '01711111111',
cus_fax: '01711111111',
ship_name: 'Customer Name',
ship_add1: 'Dhaka',
ship_add2: 'Dhaka',
ship_city: 'Dhaka',
ship_state: 'Dhaka',
ship_postcode: 1000,
ship_country: 'Bangladesh',
multi_card_name: 'mastercard',
value_a: 'ref001_A',
value_b: 'ref002_B',
value_c: 'ref003_C',
value_d: 'ref004_D'
const sslcommer = new SSLCommerzPayment('testbox', 'qwerty',true) //true for live default false for sandbox
sslcommer.init(data).then(data => {
//process the response that got from sslcommerz
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Example app listening at http://localhost:${port}`)
//sslcommerz validation
// you also use this as internal method
app.get('/validate', (req, res) => {
const data = {
val_id:ADGAHHGDAKJ456454 //that you go from sslcommerz response
const sslcommer = new SSLCommerzPayment('testbox', 'qwerty') //true for live default false for sandbox
sslcommer.validate(data).then(data => {
//process the response that got from sslcommerz
//SSLCommerz initiateRefund
// you also use this as internal method
app.get('/initiate-refund', (req, res) => {
const data = {
const sslcommer = new SSLCommerzPayment('testbox', 'qwerty')
sslcommer.initiateRefund(data).then(data => {
//process the response that got from sslcommerz
//SSLCommerz refundQuery
//you also use this as internal method
app.get('/refund-query', (req, res) => {
const data = {
const sslcommer = new SSLCommerzPayment('testbox', 'qwerty')
sslcommer.refundQuery(data).then(data => {
//process the response that got from sslcommerz
//SSLCommerz transactionQueryBySessionId
//you also use this as internal method
app.get('/transaction-query-by-session-id', (req, res) => {
const data = {
const sslcommer = new SSLCommerzPayment('testbox', 'qwerty')
sslcommer.transactionQueryBySessionId(data).then(data => {
//process the response that got from sslcommerz
//SSLCommerz transactionQueryByTransactionId
//you also use this as internal method
app.get('/transaction-query-by-transaction-id', (req, res) => {
const data = {
const sslcommer = new SSLCommerzPayment('testbox', 'qwerty')
sslcommer.transactionQueryByTransactionId(data).then(data => {
//process the response that got from sslcommerz
Find more details in SSLCommerz Developer's Guide