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538 lines (324 loc) · 21.6 KB

File metadata and controls

538 lines (324 loc) · 21.6 KB


Validation Checks

Invalid Fields - Create

Users cannot create a ClusterRepo which violates the following constraints:

  • Fields GitRepo and URL are mutually exclusive and so both cannot be filled at once.

Invalid Fields - Update

Users cannot update a ClusterRepo which violates the following constraints:

  • Fields GitRepo and URL are mutually exclusive and so both cannot be filled at once.


Validation Checks

Invalid Fields - Create

When a ClusterAuthToken is created, the following checks take place:

  • If set, lastUsedAt must be a valid date time according to RFC3339 (e.g. 2023-11-29T00:00:00Z).

Invalid Fields - Update

When a ClusterAuthToken is updated, the following checks take place:

  • If set, lastUsedAt must be a valid date time according to RFC3339 (e.g. 2023-11-29T00:00:00Z).



Validation Checks

Note: The kube-system namespace, unlike other namespaces, has a failPolicy of ignore on update calls.

Project annotation

Verifies that the annotation value can only be updated by users with the manage-namespaces verb on the project specified in the annotation.

PSA Label Validation

Validates that users who create or edit a PSA enforcement label on a namespace have the updatepsa verb on projects in See the upstream docs for more information on the effect of these labels.

The following labels are considered relevant for PSA enforcement:



Validation Checks

A secret cannot be deleted if its deletion request has an orphan policy, and the secret has roles or role bindings dependent on it.

Mutation Checks

On create

For all secrets of type, places a annotation with the name of the user as the value.

If annotation is set, does not get set.

On delete

Checks if there are any RoleBindings owned by this secret which provide access to a role granting access to this secret. If yes, the webhook redacts the role, so that it only grants a deletion permission.


Validation Checks

Annotations validation

When a cluster is created and annotation is set then annotation must be set as well. The value of should match the creator's user principal id.

When a cluster is updated and annotations must stay the same or removed.

If annotation is set, cannot be set.


Validation Checks

On create

When creating a clusterproxyconfig, we check to make sure that one does not already exist for the given cluster. Only 1 clusterproxyconfig per downstream cluster is ever permitted.


Validation Checks

Escalation Prevention

Users can only create/update ClusterRoleTemplateBindings which grant permissions to RoleTemplates with rights less than or equal to those they currently possess. This is to prevent privilege escalation. For external RoleTemplates (RoleTemplates with external set to true), if the external-rules feature flag is enabled and ExternalRules is specified in the roleTemplate in RoleTemplateName, ExternalRules will be used for authorization. Otherwise (if the feature flag is off or ExternalRules are nil), the rules from the backing ClusterRole in the local cluster will be used.

Invalid Fields - Create

Users cannot create ClusterRoleTemplateBindings which violate the following constraints:

  • Either a user subject (through UserName or UserPrincipalName) or a group subject (through GroupName or GroupPrincipalName) must be specified; both a user subject and a group subject cannot be specified
  • ClusterName must:
    • Be provided as a non-empty value
    • Match the namespace of the ClusterRoleTemplateBinding
    • Refer to an existing cluster
  • The roleTemplate indicated in RoleTemplateName must be:
    • Provided as a non-empty value
    • Valid (i.e. is an existing roleTemplate object of given name in the API group)
    • Not locked (i.e. roleTemplate.Locked must be false)
    • Associated with its appropriate context (roleTemplate.Context must be equal to "cluster")
  • If the label indicating ownership by a GlobalRoleBinding ( exists, it must refer to a valid (existing and not deleting) GlobalRoleBinding

Invalid Fields - Update

Users cannot update the following fields after creation:

  • RoleTemplateName
  • ClusterName
  • The label indicating ownership by a GlobalRoleBinding (

Users can update the following fields if they have not been set, but after they have been set they cannot be changed:

  • UserName
  • UserPrincipalName
  • GroupName
  • GroupPrincipalName

In addition, as in the create validation, both a user subject and a group subject cannot be specified.


Validation Checks

On update

The desired value must not change on new spec unless it's equal to the lockedValue or lockedValue is nil. Due to the security impact of the external-rules feature flag, only users with admin permissions (* verbs on * resources in * APIGroups in all namespaces) can enable or disable this feature flag.


Validation Checks

A FleetWorkspace cannot be created if a namespace with the same name already exists.

Mutation Checks

On create

When a FleetWorkspace is created, it will create the following resources:

  1. Namespace. It will have the same name as the FleetWorkspace.
  2. ClusterRole. It will create the cluster role that has * permission only to the current workspace.
  3. Two RoleBindings to bind the current user to fleet-admin roles and FleetWorkspace roles.


Validation Checks

Note: all checks are bypassed if the GlobalRole is being deleted, or if only the metadata fields are being updated.

Invalid Fields - Create and Update

On create or update, the following checks take place:

  • The webhook validates each rule using the standard Kubernetes RBAC checks (see next section).
  • Each new RoleTemplate referred to in inheritedClusterRoles must have a context of cluster and not be locked. This validation is skipped for RoleTemplates in inheritedClusterRoles for the prior version of this object.

Rules Without Verbs, Resources, API groups

Rules without verbs, resources, or apigroups are not permitted. The rules included in a GlobalRole are of the same type as the rules used by standard Kubernetes RBAC types (such as Roles from Because of this, they inherit the same restrictions as these types, including this one.

Escalation Prevention

Escalation checks are bypassed if a user has the escalate verb on the GlobalRole that they are attempting to update or create. This can also be given through a wildcard permission (i.e. the * verb also gives escalate).

Users can only change GlobalRoles with rights less than or equal to those they currently possess. This is to prevent privilege escalation. This includes the rules in the RoleTemplates referred to in inheritedClusterRoles and the rules in inheritedFleetWorkspacePermissions.

Users can only grant rules in the NamespacedRules field with rights less than or equal to those they currently possess. This works on a per namespace basis, meaning that the user must have the permission in the namespace specified. The Rules field apply to every namespace, which means a user can create NamespacedRules in any namespace that are equal to or less than the Rules they currently possess.

Builtin Validation

The globalroles.builtin field is immutable, and new builtIn GlobalRoles cannot be created. If globalroles.builtin is true then all fields are immutable except metadata and newUserDefault. If globalroles.builtin is true then the GlobalRole can not be deleted.


Validation Checks

Note: all checks are bypassed if the GlobalRoleBinding is being deleted, or if only the metadata fields are being updated.

Escalation Prevention

Users can only create/update GlobalRoleBindings with rights less than or equal to those they currently possess. This is to prevent privilege escalation.

Valid Global Role Reference

GlobalRoleBindings must refer to a valid global role (i.e. an existing GlobalRole object in the apiGroup).

This escalation check is bypassed if a user has the bind verb on the GlobalRole that they are trying to bind to (through creating or updating a GlobalRoleBinding to that GlobalRole). This can also be given through a wildcard permission (i.e. the * verb also gives bind).

Invalid Fields - Update

Users cannot update the following fields after creation:

  • userName
  • groupPrincipalName
  • globalRoleName

Invalid Fields - Create

GlobalRoleBindings must have either userName or groupPrincipalName, but not both. All RoleTemplates which are referred to in the inheritedClusterRoles field must exist and not be locked.

Mutation Checks

On create

When a GlobalRoleBinding is created an owner reference is created on the binding referring to the backing GlobalRole defined by globalRoleName.


Validation Checks

Note: checks only run if a node driver is being disabled or deleted

Machine Deletion Prevention

This admission webhook prevents the disabling or deletion of a NodeDriver if there are any Nodes that are under management by said driver. If there are any nodes that use the driver the request will be denied.


Validation Checks

ClusterName validation

ClusterName must be equal to the namespace, and must refer to an existing object. In addition, users cannot update the field after creation.

Protects system project

The system project cannot be deleted.

Quota validation

Project quotas and default limits must be consistent with one another and must be sufficient for the requirements of active namespaces.

Container default resource limit validation

Validation mimics the upstream behavior of the Kubernetes API server when it validates LimitRanges. The container default resource configuration must have properly formatted quantities for all requests and limits.

Limits for any resource must not be less than requests.

Annotations validation

When a project is created and annotation is set then annotation must be set as well. The value of should match the creator's user principal id.

When a project is updated and annotations must stay the same or removed.

If annotation is set, cannot be set.


On create

Adds the annotation.


Validation Checks

Escalation Prevention

Users can only create/update ProjectRoleTemplateBindings with rights less than or equal to those they currently possess. This is to prevent privilege escalation. For external RoleTemplates (RoleTemplates with external set to true), if the external-rules feature flag is enabled and ExternalRules is specified in the roleTemplate in RoleTemplateName, ExternalRules will be used for authorization. Otherwise, if ExternalRules are nil when the feature flag is on, the rules from the backing ClusterRole in the local cluster will be used.

Invalid Fields - Create

Users cannot create ProjectRoleTemplateBindings that violate the following constraints:

  • The ProjectName field must be:
    • Provided as a non-empty value
    • Specified using the format of clusterName:projectName; clusterName is the of a cluster, and projectName is the of a project
    • The projectName part of the field must match the namespace of the ProjectRoleTemplateBinding
    • Refer to a valid project and cluster (both must exist and project.Spec.ClusterName must equal the cluster)
  • Either a user subject (through UserName or UserPrincipalName), or a group subject (through GroupName or GroupPrincipalName), or a service account subject (through ServiceAccount) must be specified. Exactly one subject type of the three must be provided.
  • The roleTemplate indicated in RoleTemplateName must be:
    • Provided as a non-empty value
    • Valid (there must exist a roleTemplate object of given name in the API group)
    • Not locked (roleTemplate.Locked must be false)
    • Associated with its appropriate context (roleTemplate.Context must be equal to "project")

Invalid Fields - Update

Users cannot update the following fields after creation:

  • RoleTemplateName
  • ProjectName
  • ServiceAccount

Users can update the following fields if they had not been set. But after getting initial values, the fields cannot be changed:

  • UserName
  • UserPrincipalName
  • GroupName
  • GroupPrincipalName

In addition, as in the create validation, both a user subject and a group subject cannot be specified.


Validation Checks

Note: all checks are bypassed if the RoleTemplate is being deleted

Circular Reference

Circular references to a RoleTemplate (a inherits b, b inherits a) are not allowed. More specifically, if "roleTemplate1" is included in the roleTemplateNames of "roleTemplate2", then "roleTemplate2" must not be included in the roleTemplateNames of "roleTemplate1". This check prevents the creation of roles whose end-state cannot be resolved.

Rules Without Verbs, Resources, API groups

Rules without verbs, resources, or apigroups are not permitted. The rules and externalRules included in a RoleTemplate are of the same type as the rules used by standard Kubernetes RBAC types (such as Roles from Because of this, they inherit the same restrictions as these types, including this one.

Escalation Prevention

Users can only change RoleTemplates with rights less than or equal to those they currently possess. This prevents privilege escalation. Users can't create external RoleTemplates (or update existing RoleTemplates) with ExternalRules without having the escalate verb on that RoleTemplate.

Context Validation

The roletemplates.context field must be one of the following values ["cluster", "project", ""]. If the roletemplates.administrative is set to true the context must equal "cluster".

If the roletemplate.ProjectCreatorDefault is true, context must equal "project"

Builtin Validation

The roletemplates.builtin field is immutable, and new builtIn RoleTemplates cannot be created.

If roletemplates.builtin is true then all fields are immutable except:

  • metadata
  • clusterCreatorDefault
  • projectCreatorDefault
  • locked

Deletion check

RoleTemplate can not be deleted if they are referenced by other RoleTemplates via roletemplates.roleTemplateNames or by GlobalRoles via globalRoles.inheritedClusterRoles


Validation Checks

Create and Update

When settings are created or updated, the following common checks take place:

  • If set, disable-inactive-user-after must be zero or a positive duration (e.g. 240h).
  • If set, delete-inactive-user-after must be zero or a positive duration and can't be less than 336h (e.g. 336h).
  • If set, user-last-login-default must be a date time according to RFC3339 (e.g. 2023-11-29T00:00:00Z).
  • If set, user-retention-cron must be a valid standard cron expression (e.g. 0 0 * * 0).
  • The auth-user-session-ttl-minutes must be a positive integer and can't be greater than disable-inactive-user-after or delete-inactive-user-after if those values are set.


When settings are updated, the following additional checks take place:

  • If agent-tls-mode has default or value updated from system-store to strict, then all non-local clusters must have a status condition AgentTlsStrictCheck set to True, unless the new setting has an overriding annotation


Validation Checks

Invalid Fields - Create

When a Token is created, the following checks take place:

  • If set, lastUsedAt must be a valid date time according to RFC3339 (e.g. 2023-11-29T00:00:00Z).

Invalid Fields - Update

When a Token is updated, the following checks take place:

  • If set, lastUsedAt must be a valid date time according to RFC3339 (e.g. 2023-11-29T00:00:00Z).


Validation Checks

Invalid Fields - Create

When a UserAttribute is created, the following checks take place:

  • If set, lastLogin must be a valid date time according to RFC3339 (e.g. 2023-11-29T00:00:00Z).
  • If set, disableAfter must be zero or a positive duration (e.g. 240h).
  • If set, deleteAfter must be zero or a positive duration (e.g. 240h).

Invalid Fields - Update

When a UserAttribute is updated, the following checks take place:

  • If set, lastLogin must be a valid date time according to RFC3339 (e.g. 2023-11-29T00:00:00Z).
  • If set, disableAfter must be zero or a positive duration (e.g. 240h).
  • If set, deleteAfter must be zero or a positive duration (e.g. 240h).


Validation Checks

On Create

Creator ID Annotation

The annotation must be set to the Username of the User that initiated the request.

If annotation is set, cannot be set.

Data Directories

Prevent the creation of new objects with an env var (under spec.agentEnvVars) with a name of CATTLE_AGENT_VAR_DIR. Prevent the creation of new objects with an invalid data directory. An invalid data directory is defined as the following:

  • Is not an absolute path (i.e. does not start with /)
  • Attempts to include environment variables (e.g. $VARIABLE or ${VARIABLE})
  • Attempts to include shell expressions (e.g. $(command) or `command`)
  • Equal to another data directory
  • Attempts to nest another data directory

On Update

Creator ID Annotation

The annotation cannot be changed, but it can be removed.

If annotation is set, cannot be set.

Data Directories

On update, prevent new env vars with this name from being added but allow them to be removed. Rancher will perform a one-time migration to move the system-agent data dir definition to the top level field from the AgentEnvVars section. A secondary validator will ensure that the effective data directory for the system-agent is not different from the one chosen during cluster creation. Additionally, the changing of a data directory for the system-agent, kubernetes distro (RKE2/K3s), and CAPR components is also prohibited.

Mutation Checks

On Create

When a cluster is created is set to the Username from the request.

If annotation is set, does not get set.

On Update

Dynamic Schema Drop

Check for the presence of the annotation. If the value is "true", perform no mutations. If the value is not present or not "true", compare the value of the dynamicSchemaSpec field for each machinePool, to its' previous value. If the values are not identical, revert the value for the dynamicSchemaSpec for the specific machinePool, but do not reject the request.


Validation Checks

Invalid Fields - Update

Users cannot update or remove the following label after it has been added:



Validation Checks

Invalid Fields - Update

Users cannot update or remove the following label after it has been added:



Validation Checks

Invalid Fields - Update

Users cannot update or remove the following label after it has been added:



Validation Checks

Invalid Fields - Update

Users cannot update or remove the following label after it has been added:



Validation Checks

Creator ID Annotation

The annotation must be set to the Username of the User that initiated the request.

The annotation cannot be changed, but it can be removed.

If annotation is set, cannot be set.

Mutation Checks

Creator ID Annotion

When a cluster is created is set to the Username from the request.

If annotation is set, does not get set.