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A tool to migrate Rancher objects created for downstream cluster from a source to a target cluster, these objects include, but not limited to:

  • Projects
    • Namespaces
    • ProjectRoleTemplateBindings
  • ClusterRoleTemplateBindings
  • Cluster Apps
  • Cluster Catalog Repos


First you would need a kubeconfig that can connect to the local cluster of the Rancher environment with admin access, for more information on how to obtain this please visit the docs, the tool has 3 subcommands:


The status subcommand will list all the related objects and their status, the status can be one of three:

  • Migrated
  • Not Migrated
  • Migrated but with wrong spec
$ cattle-drive status -s hussein-rke1 -t hgalal-rke2 --kubeconfig kubeconfig.yaml
Project status:
 - [test-project] ✔
  -> users permissions:
	 - [prtb-kds2g] ✔
  -> namespaces:
Cluster users permissions:
 - [crtb-p7cpc] ✔
 - [crtb-v9ls4] ✔
Catalog repos:
 - [k3k] ✔


The migrate subcommand will migrate all related objects to to the target downstream cluster, note that the some objects are only created on the local cluster while some objects has to be created on the downstream cluster itself.

$ cattle-drive migrate -s hussein-rke1 -t hgalal-rke2 --kubeconfig kubeconfig.yaml
Migrating Objects from cluster [hussein-rke1] to cluster [hgalal-rke2]:
- migrating Project [migrate-project]... Done.


The interactive subcommands allows you to navigate in a simple list menu through all the objects and their status, and allows you to migrate certain object individually.
