happily wraps any Python object and allows
for chained soft plucking with attribute- and item- getters (e.g. .attr
, [idx]
, [::2]
, or a combination: ["key1", "key2"]
and [0, 3:7, ::-1]
; even: ["length", 0:5, 7]
will allow you to pluck same as with pluckable
(regarding the plucking operations), but accepting a string selector
instead of a Python expression.
enables you to safely extract several-levels deep values by
using a concise string selector comprised of dictionary-like keys and list-like
indices/slices. Stands for pluck simplified, since it supports only a subset of
syntax. It's simpler and a more efficient.
facilitates recursive merging of two data structures, reducing
leaf values with the provided binary operator.
is available as a zero-dependency Python package. Install with:
$ pip install plucky
from plucky import pluck, plucks, pluckable, merge
pluckable(obj).users[2:5, 10:15].name["first", "middle"].value
pluck(obj, 'users[2:5, 10:15].name["first", "middle"]')
plucks(obj, '')
merge({"x": 1, "y": 0}, {"x": 2})
obj = {
'users': [{
'uid': 1234,
'name': {
'first': 'John',
'last': 'Smith',
}, {
'uid': 2345,
'name': {
'last': 'Bono'
}, {
'uid': 3456
plucks(obj, '')
# -> {'last': 'Bono'}
plucks(obj, '')
# -> ['Smith', 'Bono']
plucks(obj, 'users.*.name.first')
# -> ['John']
# -> ['John']
pluckable(obj).users.uid[0, 2, 1].value
# -> [1234, 3456, 2345]
pluckable([, None, {'month': 8}])[::2].month
# -> [5, 8]
pluckable(obj, skipmissing=False, default='Unnamed')
# -> ['John', 'Unnamed', 'Unnamed']
pluckable(obj).users[:, ::-1].name.last.value
# -> ['Smith', 'Bono', 'Bono', 'Smith']
pluckable(obj).users[:, ::-1].name.last[0, -1].value
# -> ['Smith', 'Smith']
pluck(obj, 'users[:, ::-1].name.last[0, -1]')
# -> ['Smith', 'Smith']
plucks([1, {'val': 2}, 3], 'val')
# -> [2]
plucks([1, {'val': [1,2,3]}, 3], '1.val.-1')
# -> 3
merge({"x": 1, "y": 0}, {"x": 2})
# -> {"x": 3, "y": 0}
merge({"a": [1, 2], "b": [1, 2]}, {"a": [3, 4], "b": [3]})
# -> {"a": [4, 6], "b": [1, 2, 3]}