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GORMigrator v1 - A migration tool based on GORM

The GORMigrator is a lightweight but powerful and flexible migration tool based on GORM. Especially useful in container environments like Docker.

The goal is to create a build of your migration setup.

GORMigrator can also be used as a seeder.

Steps for deployment

  • Create a go build
  • Putting build in a FROM scratch AS bin container for minimal size
  • Deploy
  • Start service or container with environment variables (FROM=null TO=create_user_table USER=testuser ... to perform migration on database


See example under example/ to see how it works.

The folder looks like

├── migration
│   ├── main.go
│   ├── mig00001.go
│   ├── mig00002.go
│   └── mig00003.go

mig-files can have any names, as long as they are ordered (e.g. mig000xx.go). Example for main.go:

package main

import (

	g ""

func main() {
	db, err := gorm.Open(postgres.Open("host=localhost user=user password=passpass dbname=testdb port=5432 sslmode=disable"))
	if err != nil {

	g.InitMigration(db, "migrations") //"migrations" is the name of the table

mig-files (e.g. mig001.go) looks like:

package main

import (
	g ""

func init() {

	// Mig function to load state 

		// Tag: Name for state after migration
		Tag: "roles",

		// Up-function to migrate up
		Up: func(db *gorm.DB) error {

			type Role struct {
				ID   int `gorm:"primarykey"`
				Role string
			err := db.Create(&Role{
				ID:   2,
				Role: "Guest",

			return err

		// Down-function to migrate down
		Down: func(db *gorm.DB) error {
			err := db.Migrator().DropTable("roles")
			return err

Create and use module

Steps to create a go module:

$ go mod init migration

To load dependencies:

$ go mod tidy

To run a migration:

$ FROM=null TO=users USER=foo go run ./...

⬆ UPGRADE (0) ⟶ (mig00001.go) tag: null ⟶ roles 
⬆ UPGRADE (mig00001.go) ⟶ (mig00002.go) tag: roles ⟶ customers 
⬆ UPGRADE (mig00002.go) ⟶ (mig00003.go) tag: customers ⟶ users

To initialize first tables you start migration from a tag with name null.

To show a migration history:

$ HISTORY=1 go run ./...

| DATETIME HISTORY                       | LEVEL (State)         | USER       |
| -------------------------------------- | --------------------- | ---------- |
| 2021-08-31 13:09:47.932619 +0200 CEST  | mig00003.go (current) | foo        |
| 2021-08-31 13:09:47.908876 +0200 CEST  | mig00002.go           | foo        |
| 2021-08-31 13:09:47.871357 +0200 CEST  | mig00001.go           | foo        |

To show version:

$ VERSION=1 go run ./...

Gormigrator version:  1.0.0

Or combine all:

$ VERSION=1 HISTORY=1 FROM=users TO=testers USER=foo go run ./...

(HISTORY gives you the the list of migrations before any action)


$ FROM=<Tag> TO=<Tag> [HISTORY=1] [VERSION=1] (Docker Container | go build | go run ./...)

Docker-compose file

    image: from_scratch_image
      FROM: <Tag>
      TO: <Tag>

Downgrade note

To prevent a accidental and fatal downgrade to null or too many steps in a row only one downgrade step at a time is allowed.



Powerful database migration tool based on GORM







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