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Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010 Mihai Şucan

$URL: $
$Date: 2014-01-28 12:33:54 $

PaintWeb is a Web application which allows users to draw inside the Web browser 
making use of new Web technologies.

This folder holds the PaintWeb source code, documentation and the packaged 
PaintWeb build.


  A Web browser which implements the HTML 5 <canvas> 2D context API.
  Known to work are: Opera 9.5+, Firefox 3+, Safari 3.1+, Chrome 3+, Konqueror 
  4.1+, Microsoft Internet Explorer 9+.
  Each Web browser has its minor quirks.


  You can use PaintWeb inside Moodle, or you may integrate PaintWeb into your 
  project via TinyMCE. The "ext" folder holds a TinyMCE plugin which integrates 
  PaintWeb into TinyMCE. Please check the documentation for further details:


  If you want to learn how to repackage PaintWeb yourself, please see the 
  INSTALL file.

Files and folders in this package:

  build/   - holds the packaged PaintWeb build.
  CHANGES  - holds a chronologically ordered list of changes. - the default Makefile configuration.
  LICENSE  - the BSD license.
  demos/   - holds usage demos with PaintWeb.
  docs/    - holds project documentation.
  ext/     - holds code for integrating PaintWeb into external projects. For
             example, there's code for Moodle and TinyMCE integration.
  INSTALL  - PaintWeb packaging instructions.
  Makefile - the Makefile script which drives the PaintWeb packaging process.
  README   - this file
  scripts/ - holds scripts used for PaintWeb packaging.
  src/     - holds the PaintWeb source code.
  tests/   - holds various tests made during the development of PaintWeb.

Get in contact:

  - You can ask questions about the project in the public mailing list of the 
  project. You can post your message by sending an email to
  - You can contact me via email at or via my site Any feedback is always welcome.
  - I am always looking for volunteers to help me with coding - there's lots of 
  work to do. We can collaborate via Gtalk, Yahoo, IRC, ICQ and anyhow you like.
  - On IRC I'm online everyday on Just /query ROBOd - my 

Thank you!

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