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Basic Schema's & Enum

Video Games! Schema

field type description
age_ratings Array of Age Rating IDs The PEGI rating
aggregated_rating Double Rating based on external critic scores
aggregated_rating_count Integer Number of external critic scores
alternative_names Array of Alternative Name IDs Alternative names for this game
artworks Array of Artwork IDs Artworks of this game
bundles Array of Game IDs The bundles this game is a part of
category Category Enum The category of this game
checksum uuid Hash of the object
collection Reference ID for Collection The series the game belongs to
cover Reference ID for Cover The cover of this game
created_at Unix Time Stamp Date this was initially added to the IGDB database
dlcs Array of Game IDs DLCs for this game
expanded_games Array of Game IDs Expanded games of this game
expansions Array of Game IDs Expansions of this game
external_games Array of External Game IDs External IDs this game has on other services
first_release_date Unix Time Stamp The first release date for this game
follows Integer Number of people following a game
forks Array of Game IDs Forks of this game
franchise Reference ID for Franchise The main franchise
franchises Array of Franchise IDs Other franchises the game belongs to
game_engines Array of Game Engine IDs The game engine used in this game
game_localizations Array of Game Localization IDs Supported game localizations for this game. A region can have at most one game localization for a given game
game_modes Array of Game Mode IDs Modes of gameplay
genres Array of Genre IDs Genres of the game
hypes Integer Number of follows a game gets before release
involved_companies Array of Involved Company IDs Companies who developed this game
keywords Array of Keyword IDs Associated keywords
language_supports Array of Language Support IDs Supported Languages for this game
multiplayer_modes Array of Multiplayer Mode IDs Multiplayer modes for this game
name String
parent_game Reference ID for Game If a DLC, expansion or part of a bundle, this is the main game or bundle
platforms Array of Platform IDs Platforms this game was released on
player_perspectives Array of Player Perspective IDs The main perspective of the player
ports Array of Game IDs Ports of this game
rating Double Average IGDB user rating
rating_count Integer Total number of IGDB user ratings
release_dates Array of Release Date IDs Release dates of this game
remakes Array of Game IDs Remakes of this game
remasters Array of Game IDs Remasters of this game
screenshots Array of Screenshot IDs Screenshots of this game
similar_games Array of Game IDs Similar games
slug String A url-safe, unique, lower-case version of the name
standalone_expansions Array of Game IDs Standalone expansions of this game
status Status Enum The status of the games release
storyline String A short description of a games story
summary String A description of the game
tags Array of Tag Numbers Related entities in the IGDB API
themes Array of Theme IDs Themes of the game
total_rating Double Average rating based on both IGDB user and external critic scores
total_rating_count Integer Total number of user and external critic scores
updated_at Unix Time Stamp The last date this entry was updated in the IGDB database
url String The website address (URL) of the item
version_parent Reference ID for Game If a version, this is the main game
version_title String Title of this version (i.e Gold edition)
videos Array of Game Video IDs Videos of this game
websites Array of Website IDs Websites associated with this game

Screenshots Schema

field type description
alpha_channel boolean
animated boolean
checksum uuid Hash of the object
game Reference ID for Game The game this video is associated with
height Integer The height of the image in pixels
image_id String The ID of the image used to construct an IGDB image link
url String The website address (URL) of the item
width Integer The width of the image in pixels

Collection Schema

Collection, AKA Series

field type description
checksum uuid Hash of the object
created_at Unix Time Stamp Date this was initially added to the IGDB database
games Array of Game IDs The games that are associated with this collection
name String Umbrella term for a collection of games
slug String A url-safe, unique, lower-case version of the name
updated_at Unix Time Stamp The last date this entry was updated in the IGDB database
url String The website address (URL) of the item

Cover Schema

The cover art of games

field type description
alpha_channel boolean
animated boolean
checksum uuid Hash of the object
game Reference ID for Game The game this cover is associated with. If it is empty then this cover belongs to a game_localization, which can be found under game_localization field
game_localization Reference ID for Game Localization The game localization this cover might be associated with
height Integer The height of the image in pixels
image_id String The ID of the image used to construct an IGDB image link
url String The website address (URL) of the item
width Integer The width of the image in pixels

External Game Schema

Game IDs on other services

field type description
category Category Enum The id of the other service
checksum uuid Hash of the object
countries Array of Integers The ISO country code of the external game product.
created_at Unix Time Stamp Date this was initially added to the IGDB database
game Reference ID for Game The IGDB ID of the game
media Media Enum The media of the external game.
name String The name of the game according to the other service
platform Reference ID for Platform The platform of the external game product.
uid String The other services ID for this game
updated_at Unix Time Stamp The last date this entry was updated in the IGDB database

Franchise Schema

A list of video game franchises such as Star Wars.

field type description
checksum uuid Hash of the object
created_at Unix Time Stamp Date this was initially added to the IGDB database
games Array of Game IDs The games that are associated with this franchise
name String The name of the franchise
slug String A url-safe, unique, lower-case version of the name
updated_at Unix Time Stamp The last date this entry was updated in the IGDB database
url String The website address (URL) of the item

Game Engine Schema

Video game engines such as unreal engine.

field type description
checksum uuid Hash of the object
companies Array of Company IDs Companies who used this game engine
created_at Unix Time Stamp Date this was initially added to the IGDB database
description String Description of the game engine
logo Reference ID for Game Engine Logo Logo of the game engine
name String Name of the game engine
platforms Array of Platform IDs Platforms this game engine was deployed on
slug String A url-safe, unique, lower-case version of the name
updated_at Unix Time Stamp The last date this entry was updated in the IGDB database
url String The website address (URL) of the item

Game Localization Schema

Game localization for a game

field type description
checksum uuid Hash of the object
cover Reference ID for Cover The cover of this game localization
created_at Unix Time Stamp Date this was initially added to the IGDB database
game Reference ID for Game The Game the localization belongs to
name String
region Reference ID for Region The Region of the localization
updated_at Unix Time Stamp The last date this entry was updated in the IGDB database

Game Mode Schema

Single player, Multiplayer etc

field type description
checksum uuid Hash of the object
created_at Unix Time Stamp Date this was initially added to the IGDB database
name String The name of the game mode
slug String A url-safe, unique, lower-case version of the name
updated_at Unix Time Stamp The last date this entry was updated in the IGDB database
url String The website address (URL) of the item
        "id": 1,
        "created_at": 1298937600,
        "name": "Single player",
        "slug": "single-player",
        "updated_at": 1323216000,
        "url": "",
        "checksum": "a43b1688-f968-3541-0897-9735ffde1745"

Involved Company Schema

company involved in same

field type description
checksum uuid Hash of the object
company Reference ID for Company
created_at Unix Time Stamp Date this was initially added to the IGDB database
developer boolean
game Reference ID for Game
porting boolean
publisher boolean
supporting boolean
updated_at Unix Time Stamp The last date this entry was updated in the IGDB database

Keyword Schema

Keywords are words or phrases that get tagged to a game such as “world war 2” or “steampunk”.

field type description
checksum uuid Hash of the object
created_at Unix Time Stamp Date this was initially added to the IGDB database
name String
slug String A url-safe, unique, lower-case version of the name
updated_at Unix Time Stamp The last date this entry was updated in the IGDB database
url String The website address (URL) of the item

Language Schema

Languages that are used in the Language Support endpoint.

field type description
checksum uuid Hash of the object
created_at Unix Time Stamp Date this was initially added to the IGDB database
locale String The combination of Language code and Country code
name String The English name of the Language
native_name String The Native Name of the Language
updated_at Unix Time Stamp The last date this entry was updated in the IGDB database

Language Support Schema

Games can be played with different languages for voice acting, subtitles, or the interface language.

field type description
checksum uuid Hash of the object
created_at Unix Time Stamp Date this was initially added to the IGDB database
game Reference ID for Game
language Reference ID for Language
language_support_type Reference ID for Language Support Type
updated_at Unix Time Stamp The last date this entry was updated in the IGDB database

Language Support Type Schema

Language Support Types contains the identifiers for the support types that Language Support uses.

field type description
checksum uuid Hash of the object
created_at Unix Time Stamp Date this was initially added to the IGDB database
name String
updated_at Unix Time Stamp The last date this entry was updated in the IGDB database

Multiplayer Mode Schema

Data about the supported multiplayer types

field type description
campaigncoop boolean True if the game supports campaign coop
checksum uuid Hash of the object
dropin boolean True if the game supports drop in/out multiplayer
game Reference ID for Game The game this multiplayer mode is associated with
lancoop boolean True if the game supports LAN coop
offlinecoop boolean True if the game supports offline coop
offlinecoopmax Integer Maximum number of offline players in offline coop
offlinemax Integer Maximum number of players in offline multiplayer
onlinecoop boolean True if the game supports online coop
onlinecoopmax Integer Maximum number of online players in online coop
onlinemax Integer Maximum number of players in online multiplayer
platform Reference ID for Platform The platform this multiplayer mode refers to
splitscreen boolean True if the game supports split screen, offline multiplayer
splitscreenonline boolean True if the game supports split screen, online multiplayer

Platform Schema

The hardware used to run the game or game delivery network

field type description
abbreviation String An abbreviation of the platform name
alternative_name String An alternative name for the platform
category Category Enum A physical or virtual category of the platform
checksum uuid Hash of the object
created_at Unix Time Stamp Date this was initially added to the IGDB database
generation Integer The generation of the platform
name String The name of the platform
platform_family Reference ID for Platform Family The family of platforms this one belongs to
platform_logo Reference ID for Platform Logo The logo of the first Version of this platform
slug String A url-safe, unique, lower-case version of the name
summary String The summary of the first Version of this platform
updated_at Unix Time Stamp The last date this entry was updated in the IGDB database
url String The website address (URL) of the item
versions Array of Platform Version IDs Associated versions of this platform
websites Array of Platform Website IDs The main website

Player Perspective Schema

Player perspectives describe the view/perspective of the player in a video game.

field type description
checksum uuid Hash of the object
created_at Unix Time Stamp Date this was initially added to the IGDB database
name String
slug String A url-safe, unique, lower-case version of the name
updated_at Unix Time Stamp The last date this entry was updated in the IGDB database
url String The website address (URL) of the item

Release Date Schema

A handy endpoint that extends game release dates. Used to dig deeper into release dates, platforms and versions.

field type description
category Category Enum The format category of the release date
checksum uuid Hash of the object
created_at Unix Time Stamp Date this was initially added to the IGDB database
date Unix Time Stamp The date of the release
game Reference ID for Game
human String A human readable representation of the date
m Integer The month as an integer starting at 1 (January)
platform Reference ID for Platform The platform of the release
region Region Enum The region of the release
updated_at Unix Time Stamp The last date this entry was updated in the IGDB database
y Integer The year in full (2018)

Tag Numbers Schema

Tag numbers are automatically generated numbers which provide a compact and fast way to do complex filtering on the IGDB API. The number calculation can be easily achieved with any programming language.

The basis of the calculation is a 32bit integer, where the first 4 bits contain the object type ID, and the remaining 28 bits represent the ID of the object we are generating the tag number for.

Using this method a flat index of custom object ‘hashes’ can be maintained in which index the search and filtering is faster than using conventional methods.

Currently the following object types use tags:

Type ID Name
0 Theme
1 Genre
2 Keyword
3 Game
4 Player Perspective

Let’s see two examples for tag number calculation. We try to find all the games which relate to the Shooter genre. The tag number generation in Javascript would look something like the example on the right.

Javascript example query:

Python example query:

Game Video Schema

A video associated with a game

field type description
checksum uuid Hash of the object
game Reference ID for Game The game this video is associated with
name String The name of the video
video_id String The external ID of the video (usually youtube)

Website Schema

A website url, usually associated with a game

field type description
category Category Enum The service this website links to
checksum uuid Hash of the object
game Reference ID for Game The game this website is associated with
trusted boolean
url String The website address (URL) of the item

Theme Struct

Video game themes

field type description
checksum uuid Hash of the object
created_at Unix Time Stamp Date this was initially added to the IGDB database
name String
slug String A url-safe, unique, lower-case version of the name
updated_at Unix Time Stamp The last date this entry was updated in the IGDB database
url String The website address (URL) of the item

Age Rating Enums


name value

Game Enums


name value
main_game 0
dlc_addon 1
expansion 2
bundle 3
standalone_expansion 4
mod 5
episode 6
season 7
remake 8
remaster 9
expanded_game 10
port 11
fork 12
pack 13
update 14


name value
released 0
alpha 2
beta 3
early_access 4
offline 5
cancelled 6
rumored 7
delisted 8

Platform Enums


name value
console 1
arcade 2
platform 3
operating_system 4
portable_console 5
computer 6

Age Rating Content Description Enums


name value
ESRB_alcohol_reference 1
ESRB_animated_blood 2
ESRB_blood 3
ESRB_blood_and gore 4
ESRB_cartoon_violence 5
ESRB_comic_mischief 6
ESRB_crude_humor 7
ESRB_drug_reference 8
ESRB_fantasy_violence 9
ESRB_intense_violence 10
ESRB_language 11
ESRB_lyrics 12
ESRB_mature_humor 13
ESRB_nudity 14
ESRB_partial_nudity 15
ESRB_real_gambling 16
ESRB_sexual_content 17
ESRB_sexual_themes 18
ESRB_sexual_violence 19
ESRB_simulated_gambling 20
ESRB_strong_language 21
ESRB_strong_lyrics 22
ESRB_strong_sexual content 23
ESRB_suggestive_themes 24
ESRB_tobacco_reference 25
ESRB_use_of alcohol 26
ESRB_use_of drugs 27
ESRB_use_of tobacco 28
ESRB_violence 29
ESRB_violent_references 30
ESRB_animated_violence 31
ESRB_mild_language 32
ESRB_mild_violence 33
ESRB_use_of drugs and alcohol 34
ESRB_drug_and alcohol reference 35
ESRB_mild_suggestive themes 36
ESRB_mild_cartoon violence 37
ESRB_mild_blood 38
ESRB_realistic_blood and gore 39
ESRB_realistic_violence 40
ESRB_alcohol_and tobacco reference 41
ESRB_mature_sexual themes 42
ESRB_mild_animated violence 43
ESRB_mild_sexual themes 44
ESRB_use_of alcohol and tobacco 45
ESRB_animated_blood and gore 46
ESRB_mild_fantasy violence 47
ESRB_mild_lyrics 48
ESRB_realistic_blood 49
PEGI_violence 50
PEGI_sex 51
PEGI_drugs 52
PEGI_fear 53
PEGI_discrimination 54
PEGI_bad_language 55
PEGI_gambling 56
PEGI_online_gameplay 57
PEGI_in_game_purchases 58
CERO_love 59
CERO_sexual_content 60
CERO_violence 61
CERO_horror 62
CERO_drinking_smoking 63
CERO_gambling 64
CERO_crime 65
CERO_controlled_substances 66
CERO_languages_and others 67
GRAC_sexuality 68
GRAC_violence 69
GRAC_fear_horror_threatening 70
GRAC_language 71
GRAC_alcohol_tobacco_drug 72
GRAC_crime_anti_social 73
GRAC_gambling 74
CLASS_IND_violencia 75
CLASS_IND_violencia_extrema 76
CLASS_IND_conteudo_sexual 77
CLASS_IND_nudez 78
CLASS_IND_sexo 79
CLASS_IND_sexo_explicito 80
CLASS_IND_drogas 81
CLASS_IND_drogas_licitas 82
CLASS_IND_drogas_ilicitas 83
CLASS_IND_linguagem_impropria 84
CLASS_IND_atos_criminosos 85

Character Enums


name value
Male 0
Female 1
Other 2


name value
Human 1
Alien 2
Animal 3
Android 4
Unknown 5

Company Enums


name value


name value

Company Website Enums


name value
official 1
wikia 2
wikipedia 3
facebook 4
twitter 5
twitch 6
instagram 8
youtube 9
iphone 10
ipad 11
android 12
steam 13
reddit 14
itch 15
epicgames 16
gog 17
discord 18

External Game Enums


name value
steam 1
gog 5
youtube 10
microsoft 11
apple 13
twitch 14
android 15
amazon_asin 20
amazon_luna 22
amazon_adg 23
epic_game_store 26
oculus 28
utomik 29
itch_io 30
xbox_marketplace 31
kartridge 32
playstation_store_us 36
focus_entertainment 37
xbox_game_pass_ultimate_cloud 54
gamejolt 55


name value
digital 1
physical 2

Game Version Feature Enums


name value
boolean 0
description 1

Game Version Feature Value Enums


name value

Platform Version Release Date Enums


name value


name value
europe 1
north_america 2
australia 3
new_zealand 4
japan 5
china 6
asia 7
worldwide 8
korea 9
brazil 10

Platform Website Enums


name value
official 1
wikia 2
wikipedia 3
facebook 4
twitter 5
twitch 6
instagram 8
youtube 9
iphone 10
ipad 11
android 12
steam 13
reddit 14
discord 15
google_plus 16
tumblr 17
linkedin 18
pinterest 19
soundcloud 20

Website Enums


name value
official 1
wikia 2
wikipedia 3
facebook 4
twitter 5
twitch 6
instagram 8
youtube 9
iphone 10
ipad 11
android 12
steam 13
reddit 14
itch 15
epicgames 16
gog 17
discord 18


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


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