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110 lines (94 loc) · 4.78 KB

File metadata and controls

110 lines (94 loc) · 4.78 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

[2.0.1] 06 June 2022


  • File initialization for partial I/O


  • Thermal noise estimation to be more consistent with theoretical expectations.
  • requires astorpy>=5.0.4 for unit compatibility.
  • dropped python 3.7 support


  • Compatibility with numpy 1.20
  • Unnecessary Nbls factor in thermal estimation.

[2.0.0] 23 January 2020


  • basic I/O capabilities


  • specifies minimum dependency for pyuvdata >= 1.4.2
  • Removed Instead use pygitversion to do versioning. This also improves the install-ability of the code. Does not rely on having dependencies previously installed.
  • Removed active python 2.7 support. Python 2.7 support frozen in version 1.0.2

[1.0.2] 21 November 2019


  • ReadTheDocs support for simpleDS Documentation
  • Versioning definition.


  • Default cosmology is now Planck15
  • specifies minimum dependency for pyuvdata >= 1.3.8
  • Tutorial notebook moved to ReadTheDocs and added more commentary.
  • file compatibility to use uvfits not uvh5 since uvh5 is optional dependency.
  • test package changed from nose to pytest
  • Updated to DeprecationWarning for pyuvdata warnings
  • updated warning text from pyuvdata
  • Transition from nose to pytest


  • various typos.
  • Bug where update_cosmology would not convert littleh units back before trying to re-normalize power spectrum.
  • Can call calculate_delay_spectrum twice now.
  • Bug where frequency array was not cast to GHz in the thermal_power calculation.
  • bug where taper was not squared in thermal_power calculation.

[1.0.1] 19 April 2019


  • update_cosmology now recomputes cosmological conversions and re-normalizes power spectrum
  • thermal_conversion parameter to track the conversion of the thermal_power array to cosmological units
  • cosmology object support in UnitParameters
  • littleh units compatibility in python 3
  • littleh conversion in update_cosmology for python 3


  • Moved some mathematical operations out of return statements to save memory
  • Various typos
  • Propagated littleh_units keyword up to calculate_delay_spectrum function.
  • Docstring Formatting
  • Moved all cosmological calculations to update_cosmology function


  • definition of acceptable units for data_array and noise_array. Previously had units.K not units.K * * units.Hz
  • definition of units for power_array and noise_power when data is uncalibrated
  • definition of units for unit_conversion and thermal_conversion when data is uncalibrated

[1.0.0] - 13 March 2019


  • DelaySpectrum Object for handing data, checking units, and performing Fourier Transform
  • Parameter Class to handle units and verify shape, type, etc of data in the DelaySpectrum Object, subclass of UVParameter.
  • IPython notebook to provide some examples oh how to create and interact with DelaySpectrum Object.
  • simple LST aligning function to align even and odd data sets. Must be called before loading UVData objects into DelaySpectrum object.
  • Test data of and even and odd observation for example notebook.


  • Complete API overhaul
  • Power spectrum normalization computes integrals over bandpass instead of assuming constant factors across a sub-band.
  • travis integration with osx and linux. Also python 2.7, 3.6, and 3.7.
  • Moved some functions from delay_spectrum to utils package
  • Thermal noise expectation calculation and normalization (work in progress)
  • DelaySpectrum attempts to extract the receiver_temperature_array from a UVBeam object if applicable.
  • integration_time array now only nbls, ntimes in shape. This hopefully should not cause a problem with pyuvdata since all input arrays must only have redundant baselines.
  • Added tolerance to simple lst_align function to allow slight differences between uvdata objects


  • Various PEP8 typos
  • Spectral Window Selection bug
  • Unit normalization in cosmo.X2Y now includes 1/sr term
  • Broadcasting of computations along polarization axis

[v0.1.0] -28 January 2019

  • Prototype release version


  • travis integration
  • Method to read PAPER miriad files
  • cosmological conversion module
  • normalized Fourier transform with inclusion of units
  • Noise realization to follow data during delay transformation
  • Python 2 and 3 compatibility


  • No longer dependent on aipy. Requires antenna position files to read PAPER miriad files
  • better separation of keyword arguments in read_paper_miriad
  • unit handling in cross-multiplication to make unit multiplication as safe as possible.


  • Beam square area normalization for noise as well.
  • Properly Conjugates paper baselines when adding to UVData object.
  • various typos and PEP8
  • PendingDeprecationWarning handling when reading PAPER miriad files