// This is a comment
> print "Hello, world!";
Hello, world!
> true; // Not false.
> false; // Not False
1234; // An integer.
12.34; // A decimal number
"I am a string";
""; // The empty string.
"123"; // This is a string, not a number.
add + me;
subtract - me;
multiply * me;
divide / me;
less < than;
lessThan <= orEqual;
greater > than;
greaterThan >= orEqual;
1 == 2; // false.
"cat" != "dog"; // true
314 == "pi"; // false
123 == "123"; // false
!true; // false.
!false; // true.
true and false; // false.
true and true; // true.
false or false; // false.
true or false; // true.
var average = (min + max) / 2;
print "Hello, world!";
print "One statement.";
print "Two statements.";
Llama is dynamically typed, so you can assign a value of any type to variables declared prior.
var breakfast = "bagels";
print breakfast; // "bagels".
breakfast = "beignets";
print breakfast; // "beignets".
var breakfast = "bagels";
> print breakfast;
var breakfast = "croissant";
> print breakfast;
if (condition) {
print "yes";
} else {
print "no";
var a = 1;
while (a < 10) {
print a;
a = a + 1;
for (var a = 1; a < 10; a = a + 1) {
print a;
// Functions that take arguments
makeBreakfast(bacon, eggs, toast);
// Functions that do not toake arguments
fun printSum(a, b) {
print a + b;
fun returnSum(a, b) {
return a + b;
fun addPair(a, b) {
return a + b;
fun identity(a) {
return a;
print identity(addPair)(1, 2); // Prints "3"
fun outerFunction() {
fun localFunction() {
print "I'm local!";
fun returnFunction() {
var outside = "outside";
fun inner() {
print outside;
return inner;
var fn = returnFunction();
// The body of a class contains its methods.
// They look like function declarations but without the fun keyword.
class Breakfast {
cook() {
print "Eggs frying!";
serve(who) {
print "Enjoy your breakfast, " + who + ".";
// Storing Classes in Variables.
var someVariable = Breakfast;
// Passing Classes to Functions.
// Calling a class like a function, produces a new instance of itself.
var breakfast = Breakfast();
print breakfast; // "Breakfast instance".
// Assigning to a field creates it if it doesn’t already exist
breakfast.meat = "sausage";
breakfast.bread = "sourdough";
// If you want to access a field or method on the current object
// from within a method, you use good old this.
class Breakfast {
serve(who) {
print "Enjoy your " + this.meat + " and " +
this.bread + ", " + who + ".";
// ...
class Breakfast {
init(meat, bread) {
this.meat = meat;
this.bread = bread;
// ...
var baconAndToast = Breakfast("bacon", "toast");
baconAndToast.serve("Dear Reader");
// "Enjoy your bacon and toast, Dear Reader."
class Brunch < Breakfast {
drink() {
print "How about a Bloody Mary?";
// Every method defined in the superclass is also available to its subclasses.
var benedict = Brunch("ham", "English muffin");
benedict.serve("Noble Reader");
// Even the init() method gets inherited.
// In practice, the subclass usually wants to define its own init() method too.
class Brunch < Breakfast {
init(meat, bread, drink) {
super.init(meat, bread);
this.drink = drink;