Create a USB/SSD MultiBoot Disk for Raspberry Pi 4.
My strong recommendation is boot from a SD card running Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit desktop from the Pi 4 itself, then install the software there. Raspberry Pi 64-bit OS can be downloaded from here
Run the following command as normal user(eg.pi), not root user:
curl -sSL | bash -
- You need the OSes you want to install already downloaded and unzipped.
Currently, the following operating systems can be installed:
- All variants of Raspberry Pi OS(Lite, Desktop) and any distro based on it (eg. Retropie)
- Ubuntu (Server,Desktop)
- Creates three partitions on your USB/SSD drive
FAT32 partition containing the boot files of Alpine OS (boot OS). When you powerup your Pi with USB/SSD drive, this is the OS that boots, it presents the OS selection menu.
FAT32 partition, initially empty. When you select an OS, it populates this partition with the necessary boot files in order to boot into the selected OS.
BTRFS partition, contains the linux partition of the boot OS and the installed OSes as BTRFS subvolumes
For fullscreen, edit /boot/config.txt and make sure that