Project to compare libs.
./gradlew -stop
./gradlew jmh
Benchmark result is saved to build/reports/jmh/results.txt
On 2,7 GHz Intel Core i7, ubuntu 16.04 LTS and Java 1.8.0_191:
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
UlidBenchmark.azamUlidRandomThroughput thrpt 20 8021825.469 ± 80251.533 ops/s
UlidBenchmark.sulkyUlidNextULIDThroughput thrpt 20 1416611.200 ± 42187.004 ops/s
UlidBenchmark.sulkyUlidNextValuetoStringThroughput thrpt 20 1475542.998 ± 15265.980 ops/s
UlidBenchmark.uuidRandomUUIDtoStringThroughput thrpt 20 1430689.366 ± 15299.126 ops/s
UlidBenchmark.azamUlidRandomAverage avgt 20 124.505 ± 1.034 ns/op
UlidBenchmark.sulkyUlidNextULIDAverage avgt 20 669.598 ± 10.322 ns/op
UlidBenchmark.sulkyUlidNextValuetoStringAverage avgt 20 726.656 ± 3.758 ns/op
UlidBenchmark.uuidRandomUUIDtoStringAverage avgt 20 698.306 ± 2.305 ns/op
UUID above is included as a reference value and is executing java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString()