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Getting started with development:

  • Make sure platfromio is installed, to do this
  1. Go inside root of project
  2. Run, poetry shell (as this is using poetry to setup platfromio)
  3. Run, poetry install
  4. Run, platformio run --target upload
poetry shell
poetry install
platformio run --target upload

Other command:

  • See avalialble tty devices
    • ls -tr1 /dev/tty*
  • Allowing dev devices, use whichever needed
    • (Arch linux) sudo usermod -a -G uucp $USER
    • sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
    • sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0
    • sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyACM0

Opening Serial port

  • Install minincom, sudo pacman -S minicom
  • minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 9600


  • Adding CA Root cert
    • Used QFlash tool by Quectel
    • Use command AT+QFUPL="hive",1520
      • "hive" - name where to save the cert, "1520" - size in byte
      • replace the value accordingly
    • In the QFlash UI, there is an option, where a file can be selected, select the CA file
    • After entring the command AT+QFUPL="hive", 1520, We get an Ack that it's ready to recv data
    • Send file option can be clicked to upload the CA File data, if successfull, we get an ACK otherwise we get an ERROR


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