A high-performance, low-level server using C++ and Boost.Asio library and is designed to handle a wide range of functionalities, including authentication, file handling, requests, encryption-decryption, client-side rendering, databases, and WebSocket communication for streaming text.
Live On :
- Authentication: Secure user authentication.
- File Handling: Efficient file upload and download capabilities.
- Request Handling: Robust request/response mechanism for client-server communication with get/post fetch capabilities.
- Encryption/Decryption: Secure data transmission using modern encryption techniques(RSA-256 encryption/decryption).
- Client-Side Rendering: Dynamic content rendering on the client side.
- Database Integration: Seamless interaction with databases for data storage and retrieval.
- WebSocket Support: Real-time text streaming using WebSocket technology.
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── makefile
├── .gitignore
├── readme.md
|── assets/
│ ├── downloads
| ├── logs/log.csv
| ├── js
│ └── css
├── config/
│ ├── .env
| ├── publicKey.pem
│ └── privateKey.pem
├── docs/
│ ├──
│ └──
├── src/
| ├── auth
| | ├── authenticate.cpp
| | ├── authenticate.hpp
│ | └── readme.md
| ├── client
| | ├── render_html.cpp
| | ├── render_html.hpp
│ | └── readme.md
| ├── files
| | ├── download.cpp
| | ├── download.hpp
| | ├── upload.cpp
| | ├── upload.hpp
| | ├── utils.cpp
| | ├── utils.hpp
│ | └── readme.md
| ├── requests
| | ├── HttpServic.cpp
| | ├── utils.cpp
| | ├── utils.hpp
│ | └── readme.md
| ├── security
| | ├── encryption_decrypton.cpp
| | ├── encryption_decrypton.hpp
| | ├── utils.cpp
| | ├── utils.hpp
│ | └── readme.md
| ├── servers
| | ├── http_server.cpp
| | ├── http_server.hpp
│ | └── readme.md
| ├── streaming
| | ├── text.cpp
| | ├── text.cpp
│ | └── readme.md
| ├── system
| | ├── log.cpp
| | ├── log.hpp
| | ├── sys_server_info.cpp
| | ├── sys_server_info.hpp
| | ├── utils.cpp
| | ├── utils.hpp
│ | └── readme.md
├── templates/
│ |
│ ├── home.html
│ └── client.html
├── tests/
│ |
│ ├──comparision
| | ├── node-server
| | ├── fastapi-server
| |
│ ├──────k6
| | ├── k6_http.js
| | ├── k6_ws.js
| |
│ ├────locust
| | ├── locustfile.py
| |
| |────rest.http
Go to root directory
Run the make command to compile the server
Run server with compilled file $ ./server
Create a build directory
Run cmake to generate the build files
Run make to build the server
Run the server executable from the build directory
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Download and install it from https://www.boost.org.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y libboost-all-dev
sudo apt-get install -y nlohmann-json3-dev
# On Debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
# On CentOS/RHEL
sudo yum install openssl-devel