README Status - IN-progress (If you need quick details - reach me on twitter @ravindrasingh01
to send a message).
This Kali Linux Docker image provides a minimal base install of the latest version of the Kali Linux Rolling Distribution. There are no tools added to this image, so you will need to install them yourself. For details about Kali Linux metapackages, check
- Metasploit Framework (
- Docker for mac or download docker from
- Check if you have 4GB space available in your HD
- Docker composer to make it easy to run at local.
- Clone the repo from
git clone kali-docker
. cd kali-docker
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
(You don't need it to run this withup
command.- Your environment is ready
(Its not good practice yo run the pentesting on the prod server or the unauthorized server, its not legal so I am suggesting this to run on local and these instruction will help you to setup the project at local server, try to make the same sever as your project has on public facing).
-- To Be added
-- To be added
- Please fork and raise a PR to review
- Please create an issue under
- Please create/help in the Documentation under
- Ravindra Singh Technical Architect - RavindraSingh22