UXIG is the User Experience Interactive Generator Project. As this is a POC application, it demonstrates the viability of using ChatGPT to support the following:
- Persona's name
- Preferences for the generating stories
- Take a story abstract, and then have the LLM (ChatGTP OpenAI 3.5) to produce the
- Stories with parameters, given in the Preferenes: number of stories, number of steps, number of words, story sentiment and variability (temperature) between each generation of stories.
- Make sure to install Deno: https://deno.land/manual/getting_started/installation
- Then start the project: And pointing to the host, Open the browser to http://localhost:8000 and go for it.
- For deployment on a server, following environment variables are needed:
- "chatGptKey": "get this from ChatGP",
- "mongoConnectionString": "mongodb+srv://{username}:{password}@servername/?authMechanism=SCRAM-SHA-1&authSource=uxig&retryWrites=true&w=majority&authSource=uxig",
- See MongoDB Atlas.
deno task start
deno task test
- The Behavior testing is provided using Cucumber-JS
- The API/Behavior testing is provided by PactumJS + Cucumber-JS (for Async calls)