A sbt-web pipeline stage to take links to small images in html, svg and css documents and convert those references into data uris.
The pipeline stage is inlineImages
As there are two types of files to include, this task does not use
includeFilter in inlineImages
and excludeFilter in inlineImages
Instead, there is documentsToInline in inlineImages
and documentsToInline in inlineImages
which describe the two types of inputs.
By default, only files smaller than 2 KiB and with the extensions png, jpeg, jpg
or gif are inlined. To change this, change the imagesToInline in inlineImages
setting. The setting is a sequence of FileFilter to MimeType pairs.
// To inline small BMP images in addition to other values
imagesToInline in inlineImages += (((includeFilter in imagesToInline).value && "*.bmp") -> "image/bmp")
// To inline all PNG images and only those PNG images
imagesToInline in inlineImages := Seq(ExistsFileFilter && "*.png" -> "image/png")
// To inline the default types of images, but of a size up up to 4 KiB
includeFilter in imagesToInline := ExistsFileFilter && new SimpleFileFilter({f => Files.size(f.toPath) < (1024 * 4)}),
The default includes instructions to modify css, svg and html documents.
Extending this probably includes a new implementation of
as each format is fairly different.
This stage does not filter out the images inlined, as it doesn't know what else is using those images.
If one is certain that the inlined images do not need to be staged, one can use the sbt-filter stage after this stage in the pipeline, and append to sbt-filter's include filter with something like:
includeFilter in filter := (includeFilter in filter).value || (imagesToInline in inlineImages).value.foldLeft[sbt.FileFilter](sbt.NothingFilter){_ || _._1}