Main purpose of the app is to help people finding appropriate subtitles for their Movie/TV-Show match from multiple subtitle sources.
Main goal is adding OpenSubtitles,, and, others might come.
some of the functions that are in plan:
- user login
- choosing multiple languages
- download inside the app itself
- rating the subtitle file
The app is in its early alpha, so not much to see yet.
Every advice and help is more than welcome.
Enter a folder where you want to clone repo. Clone into repository
git clone
Press Enter and wait for download to complete
Enter in cloned folder and type
pip install -r requirements.txt
This will install all the modules needed for this to work
- Added search (requires login to their site - works thru the app)
- Download from but no zip extraction due to specifics of this engine
- Subtitle search with single or multiple files work (multiple files only with QuickMode on)
- Adedd QuickMode - no user input, automatically download first subtitle
- SubbyDoo now supports threading - automatic thread creation on download of subtitles
- TV Shows support added with multiple files quick download
- Added floating notifications - status and successfully downloaded
- list of trusted uploaders added
- the app has its new name "Subby Doo"
- rearranged the UI
- brand new LOGO and ICON thanks to Everlong Memories (Facebook) (Instagram)
- added an option for subtitle search by IMDB ID
- Always on top option
More to come soon!