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Intro to Chaos Engineering

Let's learn about Chaos Engineering!

Recommended reading

I recommend you take a look at one (or all) of the talks listed here to learn more about the history, theory, and reasons behind Chaos Engineering.

Useful links

Articles, blog posts, getting started guides listed here.

Slides from the talk are available here.



  1. python 3
  2. toxiproxy
  3. openssl
  4. pkill

Develop in a Container

You can also use to run the samples on a pre-configured container.

  1. Install okteto CLI
  2. okteto namespace: This will create a free account on Okteto Cloud to run your dev container, and download the necessary credentials.
  3. okteto up: This will start the remote development environment from you, and give you a remote terminal.

Once your remote environment is running, you can connect to it with any of the following options:

  • okteto exec bash
  • ssh intro-to-chaos-engineering.okteto
  • VSCode Remote SSH plugin

Run Experiments

Experiments are meant to be run from the root of this repo.

  1. chaos run experiments/call-service.json
  2. chaos run experiments/expired-certificate.json
  3. chaos run experiments/latency.json
  4. chaos run experiments/kubernetes.json