This is a final project in Autonomous Robots class (VIBOT 2nd semester, University of Girona) done by Kaisar Kushibar(, Rodrigo Daudt ( and Songyou Peng (
The demonstration of the algorithm can be seen here.
- ROS Indigo
- Gazebo
- RViz
- Python 2.7
Create a catkin workspace and pull the code into the workspace src folder.
$ roslaunch ar_project gazebo.launch
$ roslaunch ar_project driver.launch x:=<x-coord> y:=<y-coord>
The first line launches the Gazebo simulator and RViz visualization tool. The arguments <x-coord>, <y-coord> are the goal point in pixels w.r.t world coordinate system.
Example (for the small 400*400 map)
$ roslaunch ar_project gazebo.launch
$ roslaunch ar_project driver.launch x:=200 y:=350