Optimised Langevin dynamics class capable of simulating the meanfield dynamics of high dimensional particle systems, subject to complex many body interactions.
Capable of simulating McKean SDEs:
#include "langevin.hpp"
#include "opts_num.hpp"
#include "opts_phys.hpp"
const double XI = 0.5;
const double ALPHA = 0.5;
double Zero1(double y, double t){return 0.0;}
double GradV2Gauss(double r){return -1/(XI*XI)*r*exp(-0.5*r*r/(XI*XI));}
double* Hat(double* yInit, int numParticles)
double* initialData;
initialData = new double [numParticles];
double hatMin = ALPHA*yInit[0];
double hatMax = ALPHA*yInit[1];
initialData[0] = hatMin;
for (int i=1; i<numParticles; i++)
initialData[i] = initialData[i-1] + (hatMax-hatMin)/numParticles;
return initialData;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int numParticles = 2000;
double tMax = 2.0;
int numSteps = 1000;
double yMin = -2, yMax = 2;
double kappa1 = 1.0;
double kappa2 = 0.1;
opts_phys optsPhys = {.interval = {yMin, yMax},
.num_particles = numParticles,
.beta = 10.0};
opts_num optsNum = {.num_steps = numSteps,
.t_max = tMax};
SDE* p_test = new McKeanVlasov(optsPhys, Zero1, GradV2Gauss, &kappa1, &kappa2);
Langevin pl(&optsNum, p_test, Hat, "no_flux");
pl.SetFilename("mkv_gauss_data.dat", "mkv_gauss_num.dat", "mkv_gauss_phys.dat");
delete p_test;
return 0;
as well as general Langevin systems, e.g., particles subject to one body forces:
in particular, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes:
#include "langevin.hpp"
#include "opts_num.hpp"
#include "opts_phys.hpp"
const double ALPHA = 0.5;
double GradV1Quart(double y, double t){return 1.0*(0.4*y*y*y/(XI*XI*XI)-1.0*y/XI);}
double* Hat(double* yInit, int numParticles)
double* initialData;
initialData = new double [numParticles];
double hatMin = ALPHA*yInit[0];
double hatMax = ALPHA*yInit[1];
initialData[0] = hatMin;
for (int i=1; i<numParticles; i++)
initialData[i] = initialData[i-1] + (hatMax-hatMin)/numParticles;
return initialData;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int numParticles = 2000;
double tMax = 2.0;
int numSteps = 1000;
double yMin = -2, yMax = 2;
double theta = 6.0;
double mu = -1.0;
double kappa1 = 10.0;
opts_phys optsPhys = {.interval = {yMin, yMax},
.num_particles = numParticles,
.beta = 10.0};
opts_num optsNum = {.num_steps = numSteps,
.t_max = tMax};
SDE* p_test = new OU(optsPhys, &theta, &mu);
Langevin pl1(&optsNum, p_test, Hat, "no_flux");
pl.SetFilename("ou_data.dat", "ou_num.dat", "ou_phys.dat");
delete p_test;
SDE* p_test = new LangevinSDE(optsPhys, GradV1Quart, &kappa1);
Langevin pl2(&optsNum, p_test, Hat, "no_flux");
pl.SetFilename("lsde_data.dat", "lsde_num.dat", "lsde_phys.dat");
delete p_test;
return 0;
Supports periodic and no-flux boundary conditions.
Supports an abstracted solver for different numerical schemes, e.g. Euler-Maruyama, Order 1.5 Strong Taylor Scheme etc. (see, e.g., Kloeden, P.E., Platen, E. and Schurz, H., 2012. Numerical solution of SDE through computer experiments. Springer Science & Business Media.)