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Lint your pull requests


Prefilter submitted Pull Requests by...

  • Check if a PR title matches a regular expression
  • Check if a PR description matches a regular expression
  • Assign Labels if the PR passes the linting process

Can not...

  • do code review for you

Example Workflow

name: Lint Pull Request
    types: [opened, edited]

    name: Lint Pull Request
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Lint Pull Request
        uses: reaction-link/actions-lint-pull-request@v2
          triage-pr-token: ${{secrets.OUR_BOT_REPO_SCOPED_TOKEN}} // GITHUB_TOKEN does not work, is required for deleting labels
          config-bot-repotoken: ${{secrets.OUR_BOT_REPO_SCOPED_TOKEN}} // GITHUB_TOKEN also works
          config-bot-login: mybot // login for GITHUB_TOKEN is github-actions[bot]
          github-event: ${{toJson(github.event)}}

Available inputs

  access-token: /** v2 */
    description: "Token with triage permissions or GITHUB_TOKEN"
    required: true
  token-login: /** v2 */
    description: "Username of the GitHub user"
    required: true
  config-bot-repotoken: /** v1 */
    description: "Token with permissions to comment on a Pull Request (Github Token for example)"
    required: true
  config-bot-login: /** v1 */
    description: "Username of the GitHub user (bot account for example)"
    required: true
    description: "toJSON of github.event (event triggering the action)"
    required: true
    description: "JSON string array to use for randomly selected greetings (used in comment body, runs through JSON.parse)"
    default: '["Hello @{name},\n"]'
    description: "JSON string array to use for labeling linted pull request (runs through JSON.parse)"
    default: '["Good"]'
    description: "Regex string to use for linting the pull request title"
    default: '\w+'
    description: "Regex string to use for linting the pull request description"
    default: '\w+'
    description: "Regex flag to use for linting the pull request title (Use empty string for none)"
    default: 'g'
    description: "Regex flag to use for linting the pull request description (Use empty string for none)"
    default: 'g'
    description: "Template string to use for highlighting a title that failed to pass (used in comment body). Template-Literals: {title}"
    default: '- The title `{title}` is not the format I expected.'
    description: "Template string to use for highlighting a description that failed to pass (used in comment body). Template-Literals: {body}"
    default: '- The description `{body}` is not the format I expected.'
    description: "JSON string array to describe rules to pass linting for the pull request title (used in comment body, runs through JSON.parse)"
    default: '["- There must be a title","- Use proper capitalization"]'
    description: "JSON string array to describe rules to pass linting for the pull request description (used in comment body, runs through JSON.parse)"
    default: '["- There must be a description"]'

Additional Setup

  • Generate a GitHub PAT for the user you want to act on behalf of (bot account for example). See here for GitHub documentation. Required scope is "repo". The user must have at least Triage access to the repository
  • Add this PAT as Action Secret to the repository or organization
  • For Regular Expressions, each \ must be string escaped