SCTE-35 is the standard for time-based event messaging in video streams. It's most commonly used for dynamically signaling when to insert an ad break, but it could also contain information about program boundaries, blackouts, or stream switching.
This is the RealEyes Kotlin Multiplatform project for SCTE-35 parsing.
NOTE Android Studio or IntelliJ should do this step automatically.
Create a
file with a single property sdk.dir={Android_SDK_LOCATION}
Replace the placeholder with your Android SDK location, ex: /User/{USER_NAME}/Library/Android/sdk
WIP: need to verify these steps are still valid
After running the build command, the js package can be found here: build/js/packages/scte35decoder
const { Scte35DecoderFactory } = require('./packages/scte35decoder').scte35decoder;
const HEX_STRING = '0xFC303500000000000000FFF00506FF48C1BEA6001F021D43554549000000017FBF010E45503033323536383132303032370101013302CCD7';
* Parse Scte Message From Base64 String
const scteMessageFromBase64String = (base64String) => {
const b64Decoder = Scte35DecoderFactory.createB64Decoder();
const scteDecoder = Scte35DecoderFactory.createScteDecoder();
return scteDecoder.decodeFromB64(base64String, b64Decoder);
* Parse Scte Message From Hex String
const scteMessageFromHexString = (hexString) => {
const scteDecoder = Scte35DecoderFactory.createScteDecoder();
return scteDecoder.decodeFromHex(hexString);
console.log('from Base64 String: ', scteMessageFromBase64String(B64_STRING));
console.log('from Hex String: ', scteMessageFromHexString(HEX_STRING));
WIP: need to verify these steps are still valid
To create & install a framework to use in iOS/Xcode:
- From the terminal,
into the scte35-decoder-multiplatform project & type./gradlew embedAndSignAppleFrameworkForXcode
to run the the build command to build the iOS framework. See XCode details here. - Once the build has completed, the iOS framework can be found here:
. - Inside a new or existing iOS Project in Xcode, from the Project Navigator (the leftmost panel in Xcode), select the project file.
- In the center panel, under TARGETS, select the target in which the framework will be used.
- Scroll down to Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content, select the + button & navigate to
to add framework or drag file from Finder directly to this area. - In each file where the framework will be used, be sure to add
import scte35decoder
to top of the file as part of the import statements.
Note: If Xcode has difficulties connecting to the framework, delete the framework from the Frameworks folder in Project Navigator, choosing "Remove Reference." Then physically drag & drop the framework directly into that folder & choose "copy if needed."
import scte35decoder
let hexString = "0xFC303500000000000000FFF00506FF48C1BEA6001F021D43554549000000017FBF010E45503033323536383132303032370101013302CCD7"
class SCTEDecoder {
let b64Decoder = Scte35DecoderFactory().createB64Decoder()
let scteDecoder = Scte35DecoderFactory().createScteDecoder()
* Parse Scte Message From Base64 String
func decodeFromB64(b64String: String) -> SpliceInfoSection {
return scteDecoder.decodeFromB64(b64String: b64String, b64Decoder: b64Decoder)
* Parse Scte Message From Hex String
func decodeFromHex(hexString: String) -> SpliceInfoSection {
return scteDecoder.decodeFromHex(hexString: hexString)
- In build.gradle under dependencies add the following
implementation 'com.realeyes:scte35decoder:0.100.2'
- Add environmental variables for your Github token and username credentials
- Inside you GitHub account:
- Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal Access Tokens -> Generate new token
- Make sure you select the following scopes (" write:packages", " read:packages") and Generate a token
- After Generating make sure to copy your new personal access token. You won’t be able to see it again!
- You add the GPR_USER and GPR_API_KEY values to your environment variables on you local machine or build server to avoid creating a github properties file
repositories {
maven {
name = "GitHubPackages"
url = uri("")
credentials {
username = githubProperties['gpr.usr'] ?: System.getenv("GPR_USER")
password = githubProperties['gpr.key'] ?: System.getenv("GPR_API_KEY")
- Then under the test package you can find ExampleUnitTest which uses the library methods and it will run successfully
Parse From Base64 String
fun correctly_parses_ContentIdentification_scte_message_from_base64_string() {
val b64Decoder = Scte35DecoderFactory.createB64Decoder()
val scteDecoder = Scte35DecoderFactory.createScteDecoder()
val info = scteDecoder.decodeFromB64("/DA1AAAAAAAAAP/wBQb/SMG+pgAfAh1DVUVJAAAAAX+/AQ5FUDAzMjU2ODEyMDAyNwEBATMCzNc=", b64Decoder)
assertEquals(0xFC, info.tableId)
Parse from Hex String
fun correctly_parses_ContentIdentification_scte_message_from_hex_string() {
val scteDecoder = Scte35DecoderFactory.createScteDecoder()
val info = scteDecoder.decodeFromHex("0xFC303500000000000000FFF00506FF48C1BEA6001F021D43554549000000017FBF010E45503033323536383132303032370101013302CCD7")
assertEquals(0xFC, info.tableId)
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file for details.