This is a very simple demo, showcasing the use of the Realm Global Notifier to observe for changes made to a Realm file and query the Azure Text Analytics API to obtain a sentiment score and key phrases for a support ticket.
This project is accompanying the announcement blog post that includes a step-by-step tutorial for building a simplified version of the feedback handler.
The demo contains three major products:
- Feedback app (iOS and Android) that a customer can use to provide feedback/create support tickets.
- A Receiver app (iOS and Android) that an employee can use to reply to those tickets
- A .NET Core Server app which handles changes to the
Realm, queries the Text Analytics API and writes a score for the ticket sentiment.
To get started, open with Visual Studio and substitute:
with the API key for the Text Analytics API.Server.Constants.FeatureToken
with your Professional or Enterprise feature token for the Realm Object Server.- Build the solution.
Distributed under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE for more information.
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