Releases: rearc/terraform-aws-codepipeline-ecs
Parameterize repo_path
Parameterize CodeBuild images and bump default image
Added support to pass in different images for build and e2e stages. Bumped default build_image from aws/codebuild/standard:2.0
to aws/codebuild/standard:3.0 to get on a maintained and hopefully cached image as we saw pipelines relying on aws/codebuild/standard:2.0 slow down.
Fix PollForSourceChanges
PollForSourceChanges was erroneously set to true in some pipelines, this is now fixed.
Add support for scheduled tasks
Add support for scheduled tasks by adding events permission to CodeBuild IAM role
Add support for passing custom task roles through CodeBuild
Add support for passing custom task roles through CodeBuild
Add support for passing in environment variables
Add support for passing in environment variables for non-sensitive configuration data. Secrets are how to do something similar that won't be hard-coded into the task definition. Also added passing the task role ARN into the build job.
Add support for migrate and update steps
Add support for migrate and update steps
Add support for tasks and services without load balancer
Add support for tasks and services without load balancer
Add stack support from terraform-aws-ecs-task
Add stack support from terraform-aws-ecs-task
Revert premature stack migration
Revert premature stack migration in CodeDeploy resource