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Take Your Pix

Take Your Pix is a Rails application that allows you to create and share albums of photos between Photographers and Clients.


  • Ensure that you have Ruby installed properly
  • Begin by cloning the repository and navigating to the download location
  • Make sure that you have all necessary gems by running:
bundle install
  • Run the migrations
rails db:migrate
  • Seed the database (NOTE: due to the image files, seeding may take a minute or two)
rails db:seed


Starting the program

To start the application:

rails s

Navigate in your web browser to the address listed in:

Listening on

In this case, it would be

How to use the program

  • The application opens on the homepage. From here, you may:
    • Begin the Login process by selecting what kind of account you wish to login to
      • Then, either fill out the form to login or click the button to sign in (or create new account) with Google Omniauth
    • Click on a button in the navigation bar to create either a Photographer or Client account
  • Upon successfully signing in or registering, you will be brought to your profile page where you can see all your Albums(if you have any), the button to create a new Album, and the buttons to edit or delete your profile
  • From here you may navigate to view many things, such as:
    • The "Best Loved" in each category
    • All Photographers
    • All Clients
    • All Albums
      • Once you have clicked on an Album, you'll be able to see all the photos
      • If you are a Photographer, you may create, edit, and delete Albums and Photos
      • If you are a Client, you may delete your Albums or Photos
      • Note, if either a Photographer or a Client deletes their account, all associated Albums and Photos will be deleted as well
    • Your Profile
    • Logout: You will be logged out of Take Your Pix


The program is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License


Pull Requests are welcome on GitHub. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

Project Walkthrough

Screenshot of project walkthrough

Further Reading

Rails Image Uploading 101

A straight-forward walkthrough of how to upload and use images in a Ruby on Rails application