Mountain of Faith's AI, based on depth first search algorithm.
Open "x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022".
cd path/to/boost bootstrap.bat b2 stage address-model=32 link=static runtime-link=shared threading=multi define=_WIN32_WINNT=0x0A00 define=BOOST_USE_WINAPI_VERSION=0x0A00 compileflags=/utf-8
git clone https://github.com/wxWidgets/wxWidgets.git wxWidgets-git cd wxWidgets-git git submodule update --init --recursive git checkout v3.2.5 open build/msw/wx_vc17.sln file, select the appropriate configuration (DLL Debug or DLL Release, Win32) and build the solution.
cd path/to/detours/src nmake
cd path/to/Th10Ai cmake -S . -B build -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A Win32 -D BOOST_DIR=path/to/boost -D WXWIDGETS_DIR=path/to/wxwidgets -D DETOURS_DIR=path/to/detours cmake --build build --config Release
- Install Visual C++ 2022 Redistributable.
- Prepare the "東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith. ver 1.00a", set to windowed mode.
- Monitor refresh rate set to 60FPS.
- Modify th10Path in Th10Ai.conf to your th10.exe path, and run Th10Ai.exe.
- Keep window focus on the game, select Reimu to start the game, press 'A' to start AI, press 'S' to stop AI.
- 严重错误:子弹除了直线移动,还有曲线移动、随机移动等,现在使用单帧偏移量叠加得到的移动轨迹是错误的。缺少子弹ID,导致帧与帧之间的子弹信息无法用于轨迹计算。
- 5、6面激光不闪避:可能是激光的速度过快,需要检测穿越判定。
- 小概率Hook失败。