New algorithms or improvements
- SAR sparse multiplication modification due to a breaking change in scipy by @miguelgfierro in #2083
- Remove LightFM from core package in #2122 #2144
- Modified 2 files to update newsrec model by @sumana-2705 in #2125
New utilities or improvements
- Flattening matrix so dataframe can be built correctly by @gramhagen in #2084
- Added r-precision by @daviddavo in #2086
- Fix breaking change in sklearn in log_loss by @miguelgfierro in #2106
- Fix and improve ImplicitCF by @daviddavo in #2117 #2164
- Changing Function Name to reflect new Tensorflow interface. by @siyerp in #2143
- Deprecated use of dict in SeriesGroupBy.agg by @daviddavo in #2114
- Revert and fix python evaluation by @daviddavo in #2119
- Updated function signatures to comply with new tensorflow requirements by @siyerp in #2146
- Update MIND dataset utilities by @miguelgfierro in #2145 #2155 #2160
New notebooks or improvements
- Update jupyter dep to accomodate Colab by @miguelgfierro in #2108
- Update cornac_bivae_deep_dive.ipynb: fix typos by @martin0258 in #2104
- Correct variable used in pickle dump in
by @ubergonmx in #2158
Other features
- Fix issues with numpy by @daviddavo in #2113 #2120
- Update setup instructions #2080 #2181
- Added ideas and guidelines for new contributors by @miguelgfierro in #2103
- Set scipy <= 1.13.1 by @SimonYansenZhao in #2127
- Added free course on Recommendation systems by @miguelgfierro in #2135
- Add reference to scenarios to by @anargyri in #2093
- Documentation improvement and typos #2102 #2109 #2096 #2130
- Updated Issue Template with "Willingness to Contribute" Section for issue #2032 by @sumana-2705 in #2123
- Moved pymanopt tests to experimental test group #2138 by @daviddavo in #2139
- Migrate AML SDK from v1 to v2 by @SimonYansenZhao in #2134
- Update dev container by @SimonYansenZhao in #2157
- Improve GitHub actions #2159 #2190 #2197
- Update service principal role to AzureML Compute Operator for improved security by @miguelgfierro in #2169
- Update the code of conduct by @miguelgfierro in #2177
- Use managed identity with OpenID Connect for Azure login by @SimonYansenZhao in #2182
- Merge multiple Dockerfiles into a single one by @SimonYansenZhao in #2167
- Install sbt for sarplus tests by @SimonYansenZhao in #2192
New Contributors
- @martin0258 made their first contribution in #2104
- @Kingston257 made their first contribution in #2109
- @sumana-2705 made their first contribution in #2123
- @siyerp made their first contribution in #2143
- @ubergonmx made their first contribution in #2158
- @ved93 made their first contribution in #2181
Full Changelog: 1.2.0...1.2.1