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A fast, intuitive, access path based reactive react state management


  1. ES5 and ES6 supported. use traps functions to collect accessed property path of React component.
  2. When base data updates, relink the changed proxy object and leave others untouched.
  3. PathNodeTree is the data structure to perform diff action. In Relinx, Only accessed property paths are used to build pathNodeTree which help to optimize comparison performance.
  4. In order to embrace React-Redux community, middleware is re-write base on Redux middleware.
  5. Fine-grained render controls. According to pathNodeTree, we can know which component should update when base value changes.
  6. Functional component only, and React Hooks supported


Conceptually, Relinx is inspired by lots of open source library likes React-Redux, dva etc. It includes action,reducers, dispatch and effects as well.

On handle side effect, In order to simply learning curve and leverage usage complexity, Relinx do not apply any other library like redux-saga and use a variant of redux-thunk.

The Relinx design principle is very simple

Collect accessed properties paths of component, then re-render component if bind pathNode detect value change.


  1. A observed component will create a tracker and patcher. Tracker is used to collect access paths. Patcher is used to re-render component when access path value change.
  2. Patcher will be added to top level application. According to patcher's paths value, application will create a PathNodeTree
  3. Dispatch an action to reducer will create changed value group. In order to find which paths value has been updated, changed value will be passed to application.
  4. In application, Based on created PathNodeTree, perform diff algorithm. If a pathNode is detected with value change. Its patcher will be pushed to pendingPatchers.
  5. Once comparison and patcher clear up is finished. pendingPatchers will be trigger running. The related component will be re-rendered.
  6. Component's re-render will cause the re-creation of tracker paths. component will patcher will be add to application again to update PathNodeTree.



$ npm install relinx --save


The following is a simple Relinx usage example.

// index.js
import React from "react"
import ReactDOM from "react-dom"
import {logger, Provider, createStore, applyMiddleware, thunk} from "relinx"
import Models from "./models"

import App from "./views"

const store = createStore(
    models: new Models()
  applyMiddleware(thunk, logger)

const Simple = () => (
  <Provider store={store}>
    <App />

ReactDOM.render(<Simple />, document.getElementById("app"))
// models.js
import appModel from "./appModel"

export default () => ({
  app: new appModel()
// appModel.js
export default () => ({
  state: {count: 0},
  reducers: {
    increment: state => ({count: state.count + 1})
// app.js
import React, {useCallback} from "react"
import {useRelinx, observe} from "relinx"

export default observe(() => {
  const [state, dispatch] = useRelinx("app")

  const {count} = state
  const handleClick = useCallback(() => dispatch({type: "increment"}), [])

  return (
      <button onclick={handleClick}>+</button>


In observe wrapped component function, calls useRelinx will return an array value. The first item is Proxy State which is decorated with getter trap. Accessed path will be collect when its property is used.


Action is composite of type and payload. Its usage is the same as in Redux. It is the only way to trigger state update, which should be called with dispatch function.


Process action in sync way, and result in changed value.


Backend with a redux-thunk variant, Process action in async way. all the ajax should be placed here.



wrap a functional component and make it access path sensitive

It's a prerequisite when you want useRelinx in component. The usage of observe is to create a Tracker scope. Scope is made to achieve fine-grained re-render control.

In order to make DEBUG info easy to read, it'd better to wrap a named function component, like as follows.

const A = () => <span>hello world</span>
const ObservedA = observe(A)

when to use observe

Theoretically, any React component is recommended to wrapped with observe function. It will create an individual update context for wrapped component. However, it only meaningful when the component has proxy state passing from parent or use useRelinx method.


const [state: Proxy, dispatch: Function] = useRelinx((modelName: String))

useRelinx will return a two length array value.

The first item is state. state is an proxy object, and its value is derived from store base value and configuration in exported model file. Refer to usage example listed above.

const A = observe(() => {
  const [state] = useRelinx("app") // state value: { count: 1 }
  return <span>{state.count}</span>

The second item is dispatch, The same usage as in React-Redux

Point to note

  1. useRelinx could only be used in functional component
  2. When use useRelinx, component or its ancestor component is required to be wrapped with observe function
  3. It'd better to wrap component with observe function when use useRelinx


const [dispatch: Function] = useDispatch()

A straightforward hooks method to return dispatch if you do not need state.



By default, its value is true. It makes backend Tracker to use Proxy or defineProperty. However, Tracker will detect current context whether Proxy is supported first. If it's false, useProxy value will be ignored.


By default, its value is false. Normally, it is used on dev condition. It helps to log the undeclared properties used by state. It's meaningful when ES5 should be supported. The below section have made a detail explanation


By default, Relinx will display the message why a component update in development mode. But it could be set with false to disable.


It is optional, In order to support multiple Provider in app, Relinx will create a random namespaceKey if it is omitted.


How to dispatch actions

Do not attempt to call consecutive dispatch, the intermediate action will omitted. You could find the answer from Dan's tweet


In Relinx, you can dispatch an action array to fix.

dispatch([action, action, action])

The principal of data diff

  1. For primitive type value, the literal value should be equal.
  2. For Array or object, the comparison will break if their reference are equal. or comparison will continue until pathNode is exhausted.

The Map and Set support

Recently, Relinx only support Primitive Type, Array and object types.

Point to note when use on ES5

Do not use undeclared properties

For ES5, Tracker use defineProperty to re-define getter trap. However, it is not possible to define getter trap on undeclared properties, which means Tracker can not collect paths of these kinds of property access correctly. By the way, component re-render is derived by paths, which may cause non-update even though base value update.

// appModel.js
export default () => ({
  state: {location: {}}

// view.js
const A = observe(() => {
  const [state] = useRelinx("app")
  return <span>{}</span>

appModel.js should be the following format.

// appModel.js
export default () => ({
  state: {
    location: {city: null}

About empty value, it should be defined as null instead of undefined. Because Relinx will check property value's value, if it is undefined, it will be regarded as undeclared property. which may make confuse when strictMode is set true

How to find undeclared properties

Set true value to Provider's strictMode prop. Then you can check warning in console log.

<Provider strictMode>
  <App />

When use array.length take care

  1. For ES6, array.length could be trapped by getter trap automatically, so it has no problem when calls map, filter etc.
  2. For ES5, the descriptor of Array's proto functions like map, filter etc could be override. Tracker will collect length path when calls these functions. However, there is an exception. array.length's descriptor could not be override, which means for statement should be take care. You will lost length path if you write arr.length as condition statement.

How to prevent memory leaks

For memory leaks, it always talk about how to remove unused subscriptions. In Relinx, subscription happens when add a patcher to pathNode. When pathNode find property value changes will do the following actions:

  1. If it is primitive type value, compare its literal value. if not equal, patchers will be pushed to pendingDispatchers, and remove patchers from other pathNodes
  2. If it is Array type value, and has new element added. add patchers to pendingDispatchers, and remove patchers from other pathNodes
  3. If it is Array type value, and has element deleted. add patchers to pendingDispatchers, and these removed elements will not perform comparison action. After finish comparing PathNodeTree, destroy these remove PathNode.
  4. If it is object type value, has key removed and this key has related pathNode. add patchers to pendingDispatchers, at the mean while, continue the comparison of remove keys. After finish comparing PathNodeTree, destroy these remove PathNode.
  5. When component is un-mount, its related patcher will be destroyed.
  6. When component is re-rendered, the paths of patcher will be updated, and re-bind patcher to pathNode

How to optimize array re-render

For array's re-render, basically it caused by two factors: length change or item[key] change.

length changed

In general, the change of length value will cause items's component to re-render. On the base of React update mechanism, parent component will trigger child components' re-render. For this situation, React.memo could help to isolate update if it is unnecessary to child component

item[key] changed

It is recommend that parent and child component should be wrapped with observe function. If item[key] changes, it will only trigger corresponding child component to re-render.

How to perform selector on compared Object

Comparing with Redux, it use shallowEqual to verify value's update. mapStateToProps will be called on every time state changes which cause unnecessary keys' comparison or make performance issue. React-Redux official suggest to use reselect to avoid this kind of issue.

However, Relinx create pathNode for accessed property,and only property with pathNode will perform diff algorithm. So unnecessary keys' comparison could not happen by default.