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Criterion A Reduction in distribution
The Criterion A Reduction in geographic distribution is based on the theory that the decline of a geographic distribution influences the risk of collapse by:
- reducing the ability of an ecosystem to sustain its characteristic native biota and
- predisposing it to additional threats.
This criterion aims to link the change in geographic distribution to the risk of collapse.
As coral reef ecosystems are typically characterised by discrete patches that are distributed across a region, the evaluation of this criterion uses the percent cover of Hard Coral to characterise sites and evaluates the proportion of sites that are within a given threshold of coral loss over a standardised time period.
The script for creating the data object for this criterion can be found here:
## -- create data object -- ##
# point to creation locale
creation_locale <- "creation_code/criteria/criterion_a_reduction_geographic_distribution/"
# generate object
source(paste0(creation_locale, "create_criterion_a_reduction_geographic_distribution.R"))
The evaluation of this criterion includes a weighted and un-weighted evaluation, based on the coral reef area present in the region of analysis. The reef area present in each ecoregion is loaded from the *.rda
. Summary data for this criterion (i.e. site and dates from 2013 to most recent year) are loaded directly from the *.rda
from the pre-processing step:
## 1. Set up
## -- call to relative reef areas -- ##
# point to data locale
data_locale <- "data_intermediate/spatial/coral_reefs/"
# set data file name
data_file <- "reef_area_ecoregions.rda"
# call to data
load(paste0(data_locale, data_file))
## -- call to percent cover data -- ##
# point to data locale
data_locale <- "data_intermediate/criteria/"
# set data file name
data_file <- "criterion_a_data_table.rda"
# call to data
load(paste0(data_locale, data_file))
After some simple grooming steps (e.g. standardising Ecoregion
names), Criterion A is evaluated by setting the thresholds for percent cover. In this example, the analysis evaluates the start of threshold cover from 1 to 10. Users can modify the s_cover
and f_cover
values to suit their particular region. For each percent cover value in the loop, results are combined in a single criterion_a_reduction_geographic_distribution
data object and linked to the coral reef area to calculate weighted and un-weighted values for the proportion of collapse
## 3. Evaluate criterion
# set start threshold percent cover
s_cover <- 1
# set final threshold cover
f_cover <- 10
# set test interval
t_interval <- 1
# create empty object to hold results
criterion_a_reduction_geographic_distribution <- tibble()
# loop to calculate # p=10 ## -- for testing -- ##
for (p in seq(from = s_cover,
to = f_cover,
by = t_interval)){
# set threshold
dat <-
criterion_a_data_table %>%
mutate(threshold = p)
# create ratio
dat %<>%
mutate(ratio = current_coral_cover / threshold)
## -- set to assign a 1 if it has collapsed -- ##
# set colapse
dat %<>%
mutate(collapse = ifelse(ratio <= 1, 1, 0))
# for each eco-region caculate proportion of sites which collapsed
dat_collapse_raw <-
dat %>%
group_by(Ecoregion) %>%
summarise(prop_collapse = (sum(collapse) / length(collapse)) %>% round(2))
## -- calculate weighted -- ##
# link data
dat_collapse_weighted <-
dat_collapse_raw %>%
left_join(reef_area_ecoregions %>%
# calculate weighting
dat_collapse_weighted %<>%
mutate(weighted_prop = (prop_collapse * prop_area) %>% round(5))
Next Steps
The resulting data object is then evaluated for Status and visualised in separate steps.
Context and Approach
- Ecosystem definition and RLE categories
- Description of criteria
- Threat processes
- Evaluation of subcriteria
- General assessment workflow
Introduction to RLE analysis for coral reefs
- Overview of workflow for RLE analysis
- Using integrate.R
- GCRMN tier data model and standards
- Links with Ecoregions and regional analyses
- Data template for coral reef RLE analysis
Evaluation of criteria
- Data pre processing
- Criterion A Reduction in distribution
- Criterion B Restricted distribution
- Criterion C Environmental degradation
- Criterion D Biotic disruption
Status and Visualisation