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Visualisation of results
The final assessment of the IUCN RLE criteria involves numerical and visualisation of the resulting threat classifications. For each of the different measures, there are different ways to visualise the results.
As this project was largely based on the WIO analysis from Obura, et al. 2022, we have followed the examples from that study.
This wiki page provides an example of the general processing for visualising and reporting the RLE evaluation results.
Analysis code
In general, the visualisation of the RLE evaluation results can be found in the analysis_code
folder and found in the sequence from integrate.R
. For example, for Criterion A Reduction in geographic distribution:
# point to analysis locale
analysis_locale <- "analysis_code/criteria/criterion_a_reduction_geographic_distribution/"
# plot number of collapsed sites
source(paste0(analysis_locale, "plot_number_of_collapsed_sites.R"))
The visualisation for each criterion follows a similar sequence in the code, where the criterion data object (i.e. *.rda
) is imported and visualised:
## 1. Set up
## -- call to sensitivity analyses-- ##
# point to data locale
data_locale <- "data_intermediate/criteria/"
# point to data file
data_file <- "criterion_a_reduction_geographic_distribution.rda"
# load data
load(paste0(data_locale, data_file))
Visualisations are largely based on the ggplot2
library. Users are encouraged to modify dimensions and other aesthetics to suit their applications:
Ecoregion and Regional visualisations
For some metrics, the spatial visualisations for criteria include Ecoregion
and region-wide visualisations. These plots include additional elements such as coastline, ecoregions and coral reef areas. For example, for Criterion B1 Extent of Occurrence (EOO):
## -- plot regional data -- ##
# set region name
region_name <- "Western Indian Ocean"
# open window
# quartz("criterion b1 eoo", 7, 7)
# create figure
ggplot() +
geom_sf(fill = r_colour,
colour = r_colour,
size = 0.1,
alpha = 0.5,
data = regional_coral_reefs %>%
st_transform(32737)) +
geom_sf(fill = "grey75",
colour = "grey75",
size = 0.1,
data = regional_coastline %>%
st_transform(32737) %>%
st_crop(e_zoom)) +
geom_sf(aes(colour = Ecoregion),
fill = NA,
size = 0.5,
alpha = 0.4,
data = criterion_b1_polygons %>%
st_transform(32737)) +
geom_sf_text(aes(colour = Ecoregion,
label = paste0(Ecoregion, "\n",
"EOO = ", Area, " ",
data = area_centroid %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("easting", "northing"),
crs = 32737)) +
theme_void() +
coord_sf(xlim = c(e_zoom[1], e_zoom[3]),
ylim = c(e_zoom[2], e_zoom[4]),
datum = st_crs(32737)) +
ggspatial::annotation_scale() +
scale_colour_manual(values = c_palette) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c_palette) +
labs(title = region_name,
subtitle = "Criterion B1: Extent of Occurrence") +
theme(legend.position = "none",
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5,
face = "italic"))
Next steps
Visualisation outputs are saved to the figures
folder and can be found in subfolders for each criterion. Most outputs are in *.png
format for single panels or *.pdf
format for multiple panels. Users are able to modify the dimensions and format of the outputs in the analysis_code
For example, for the regional plot for B1 EOO:
# set save locale
figure_locale <- "figures/criteria/criterion_b_restricted_geographic_distribution/"
# save to file
ggsave(paste0(figure_locale, "criterion_b1_extent_of_occurrence_regional.png"),
width = 7,
height = 7)
Context and Approach
- Ecosystem definition and RLE categories
- Description of criteria
- Threat processes
- Evaluation of subcriteria
- General assessment workflow
Introduction to RLE analysis for coral reefs
- Overview of workflow for RLE analysis
- Using integrate.R
- GCRMN tier data model and standards
- Links with Ecoregions and regional analyses
- Data template for coral reef RLE analysis
Evaluation of criteria
- Data pre processing
- Criterion A Reduction in distribution
- Criterion B Restricted distribution
- Criterion C Environmental degradation
- Criterion D Biotic disruption
Status and Visualisation