- Submission of update to CRAN to remove dependencies on retiring packages.
- Updated functions to remove dependencies on rgdal and rgeos.
- Updated functions to be generic for easier future implementation of different spatial formats as inputs.
- Added new functionality to makeAOOGrid to allow Spatial Polygons as input.
- Added additional tests for AOO functions.
- Submission of update to CRAN to ensure compatibility with raster.
- Updated gridUncertainty functions to ensure compatibility with the parameter requirements for raster::shift().
- Fixed gridUncertaintySimulation.
- Changed the way the random jittering in gridUncertainty works to be more useful as the splits get smaller.
- Submission of update to CRAN with improvements from reviewers.
- Fixed ARC calculation in extrapolateEstimate.
- Added tests to ensure extrapolateEstimate calculations are correct.
- Renamed ARC to Annual Rate of Change
- Fixed getArea when raster cells are not squares
- Added sequentialExtrapolate to return sequence of estimates calculated by the selected algorithms.
- Updated extrapolateEstimate output wording.
- Added extrapolateEstimate which will replace futureAreaEstimate.
- Fixed getArea to output a single value and included test
- Submission of update to CRAN
- Added test for SpatialPolygons for getArea
- Updated vignette to have single date
- Fixed an error in getArea where a raster with a single class wouldn't be calculated properly
- Updated tests to reflect changes to getDeclineStats
- Changed getDeclineStats so ARC now returns a percentage
- Updated futureAreaEstimate to accept ARC as a percentage
- Updated all functions to accept SpatialPoints and SpatialPointsDataFrame as input.
- Cleaned up code in getEOOPolygon.
- gridUncertainty functions now have default min.percent.rule set to FALSE.
- gridUncertainty now uses while, eliminating need for max.rounds parameter.
- gridUncertaintyBase now includes two new parameters: restriction and min.grids.shift.
- Added gridUncertaintyRestricted.
- redlistr is now on CRAN!