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Installing Invoke AtomicRedTeam

Carrie Roberts edited this page Jun 14, 2023 · 9 revisions

This execution framework (Invoke-AtomicRedTeam) works cross-platform on Windows, Linux and MacOS. However, to use it on Linux and Mac you must install PowerShell Core. See Installing PowerShell Core on Linux and Installing PowerShell Core on MacOS for details.

Minimum supported PowerShell version is 5.0

Install Execution Framework Only

The Invoke-AtomicRedTeam Execution is available for install from the PowerShell Gallery and can be installed with one simple command executed from a PowerShell prompt:

Install-Module -Name invoke-atomicredteam,powershell-yaml -Scope CurrentUser

Note: If you get an error relating to a missing PSRepository, use Register-PSRepository -Default to register the needed repository.

To install the execution framework without downloading it from the PowerShell Gallery as shown above, you can continue with the following instructions:

IEX (IWR '' -UseBasicParsing);

If you get an Import-Module error stating that the module "cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system", restart powershell using powershell -exec bypass or bypass execution policy with one of these methods and try again. Method 12 is especially promising.

If you use the Install-Module method, the module will be located in your default PowerShell modules folder and you won't need to manually import the module each time you start a new PowerShell Windows. Otherwise, if you install using Install-AtomicRedTeam, the installer will download and install the execution framework to <BASEPATH>\AtomicRedTeam

Where <BASEPATH> is C: in Windows or ~ in Linux/MacOS

Installing the execution framework (Invoke-AtomicRedTeam) does not download the repository of atomic test definitions by default (aka the Atomics Folder). This is because the atomics folder contains many files likely to trigger AV alerts on the endpoint. You may choose to white-list the install directory (<BASEPATH>\AtomicRedTeam by default) so that files are not quarantined or removed. Or you may choose to copy a version of the atomics folder over to the system that contains only the tests you intend to run.

If you get an error of "Could no create SSL/TLS secure channel." run the following PowerShell command before your run the install commands.

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

Install Execution Framework and Atomics Folder

The Atomics Folder contains the test definitions; the commands that the execution framework will execute. If you would like to install the atomics folder at the same time that you install the execution framework, you can do this by adding the -getAtomics switch during the install of the execution framework.

IEX (IWR '' -UseBasicParsing);
Install-AtomicRedTeam -getAtomics

If the execution framework or the atomics folder are already found on disk you must use the -Force parameter during install as follows to erase and replace these folders.

IEX (IWR '' -UseBasicParsing);
Install-AtomicRedTeam -getAtomics -Force

If you prefer to download the atomics folder with only the test definition yaml files and none of the payloads from the /src or /bin directories, use the -noPayloads flag as follows. You can use the -getPrereq flag with Invoke-AtomicTest to download the payloads for the atomics you choose to run.

IEX (IWR '' -UseBasicParsing);
Install-AtomicRedTeam -getAtomics -Force -noPayloads

Install Atomics Folder Only

If you would like to install the atomics folder as a separate step or at a later time, you can do it with the Install-AtomicsFolder function as follows.

IEX (IWR '' -UseBasicParsing);

If you prefer to download the atomics folder with only the test definition yaml files and none of the payloads from the /src or /bin directories, use the -noPayloads flag as follows. You can use the -getPrereq flag with Invoke-AtomicTest to download the payloads for the atomics you choose to run.

IEX (IWR '' -UseBasicParsing);
Install-AtomicsFolder -noPayloads -Force

Optional Installation Parameters

Both the Install-AtomicRedTeam and the Install-AtomicsFolder functions have the following optional parameters:


  • Where to install (default: C:\AtomicRedTeam on Windows or ~\AtomicRedteam on MacOS and Linux)
Install-AtomicRedTeam -InstallPath "c:\tools"
Install-AtomicsFolder -InstallPath "c:\tools"


  • Remove the previous installation before installing
Install-AtomicRedTeam -Force
Install-AtomicsFolder -Force


  • Install from another GitHub repo. Default RepoOwner is "redcanaryco"
Install-AtomicRedTeam -RepoOwner "clr2of8"
Install-AtomicsFolder -RepoOwner "clr2of8"


  • Install from another branch. Default Branch is "master"
Install-AtomicRedTeam -RepoOwner "clr2of8" -Branch "start-process-branch"
Install-AtomicsFolder -RepoOwner "clr2of8" -Branch "start-process-branch"

Offline Installation

Offline Installation Instructions