Kubernetes is an excellent way of deploying an infrastructure with multiple environments with containers.
Because you might want to do a kubectl delete -f <name>-service.yaml
without deleting your data :)
Create namespace environment (production/staging/testing):
kubectl apply -f namespaces/<environment>.yaml
Deploy cert-manager:
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.7.1/cert-manager.yaml
Deploy certificate issuer:
kubectl apply -f cert-manager/certificate-issuer.yaml
For these examples, you'll need to specify the namespace by replacing <environment>
for each environment.
Create secret:
kubectl create secret generic mariadb --namespace=<environment> --from-literal=password=<password>
Create persistent volume:
kubectl apply -f mariadb/mariadb-pv.yaml --namespace=<environment>
Deploy service:
kubectl apply -f mariadb/mariadb-service.yaml --namespace=<environment>
Create persistent volume:
kubectl apply -f mongodb/mongodb-pv.yaml --namespace=<environment>
Deploy service:
kubectl apply -f mongodb/mongodb-service.yaml --namespace=<environment>
Deploy service:
kubectl apply -f redis/redis-service.yaml --namespace=<environment>
Bastion is used as an SSH relay to access internal services and databases. We use bastion and github-authorized-keys from Cloud Posse to do so, and use our GitHub public keys to connect to the cluster.
Create namespace:
kubectl apply -f namespaces/bastion.yaml
Create secret:
kubectl create secret generic bastion --namespace=bastion --from-literal=github_organization=<organization> --from-literal=github_team=<team_name> --from-literal=github_api_token=<api_token>
Create persistent volume:
kubectl apply -f bastion/bastion-pv.yaml
Deploy service:
kubectl apply -f bastion/bastion-service.yaml
Wireguard is used to connect external servers to Kubernetes' services.
Create namespace:
kubectl apply -f namespaces/wireguard.yaml
Create persistent volume:
kubectl apply -f wireguard/wireguard-pv.yaml
Deploy service:
kubectl apply -f wireguard/wireguard-service.yaml
Retrieve peer1 config file:
kubectl -n wireguard exec wireguard -- cat /config/peer1/peer1.conf > ~/peer1.conf
peer1 for the packer image:
kubectl -n wireguard exec wireguard -- cat /config/peer1/peer1.conf > ../redcraft_packer/images/redcraft-minecraft/config/wireguard.conf
Retrieve peer2 config file:
kubectl -n wireguard exec wireguard -- cat /config/peer2/peer2.conf > ~/peer2.conf