- Added an option of build_files to the ee definition. This will allow for files/folders to be copied to the working directory to be used for build files.
- Fixed an issue when ee_pull_collections_from_hub was set to true, and build_steps were not defined, an error was raised.
- removed containers.podman dependency. It made it so you could not sync this collection to automation hub.
- ansible.cfg removed from root and galaxy.yml added to enable install from source
- Check the ee_builder documentation for updated vars, All dependency files moved to the dependency variable. Other options moved to their respective places as well.
- Updated the venv role to use v3 format, updated the documentation on this role as well.
- builder role rewritten from ground up to match the v3 ansible-builder structure. This has simplified many of the previous variables, allowing for more customization and allows for adaptability of future updates without code changes.
- Added changed_when false to built in commands that gather information.
- Added changed_when false to built in commands that gather information.
- renaming ee_name to name in the ee_list variable
- bug not removing ee_controller.yaml file
- bug when multiple EEs in ee_list would fail when ee_builder_dir_clean was true
- Removed ee_create_ansible_config in favour of ee_pull_collections_from_hub in ee_builder role.
- Fixed issue where ansible.cfg file was not being consumed by the builder.
- added ability to output controller_configuration execution_environment config for created images.
- added ability to use base and builder images at several levels and updated README to be more accurate.
- added new options from ansible builder.