By Stephen Chavez & Specter
I don't know what happened, but can2RNET has gotten a lot of attention lately. It's a good thing. However, various people forked my project and done different things over the years. Nobody has really wanted to contribute publicly. So, to help with that. I started a Discord Server. Please join it.
- Smart Wheels
- Remote Control Demos
- Kaspersky SAS 2017 Demo
- Raspberry Pi 3 (Model B)
- PiCan2 Pi hat board
- R-Net cable
- Blank 2GB SD Card
To install PiCan2 on pi3, add to /boot/config.txt:
- Strip a R-Net wire in half.
- Connect the wire with this pinout:
white is can high
blue is can low
black is gnd
red is +vin
Add the following lines under file /etc/network/interfaces
allow-hotplug can0
iface can0 can static
bitrate 125000
up /sbin/ip link set $IFACE down
up /sbin/ip link set $IFACE up
Add these kernel modules under /etc/modules
Reboot the pi! Then you should see an can0 interface listed under the command ifconfig
$ git clone
or sudo apt-get install can-utils
$ candump can0 -L # -L puts in log format
(1469933235.191687) can0 00C#
(1469933235.212450) can0 00E#08901C8A00000000
(1469933235.212822) can0 7B3#
(1469933235.251708) can0 7B3#
$ cansend can0 181C0D00#0840085008440840 #play a tune
$ cangen can0 -e -g 10 -v -v #fuzz buss with random extended frames+data
$ candump -n 1 can0,7b3:7ff #wait for can id 7B3
Or run python3
to control a R-Net based PWC using any usb gamepad connected to the pi3.
Python 3 is required.