A discord bot written in python using hikari and several libraries that add more features to hikari.
You can add the bot here.
🍃 Saiki Free-open and powerfull 🍃
You will need Python 3.10 or higher to run this bot (lavasek library that will be used to broadcast music has problems with 3.10 in linux, if this is your case then change the code a little, especially the annotations and you can use it in 3.9)
# To run the bot:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m testbot
Use CTRL+C to shut the bot down.
# Import the command handler
import lightbulb
# Instantiate a Bot instance
bot = lightbulb.BotApp(token="your_token_here", prefix="your_prefix_here")
# Register the command to the bot
# Use the command decorator to convert the function into a command
@lightbulb.command("ping", "checks the bot is alive")
# Define the command type(s) that this command implements
# Define the command's callback. The callback should take a single argument which will be
# an instance of a subclass of lightbulb.context.Context when passed in
async def ping(ctx: lightbulb.Context) -> None:
# Send a message to the channel the command was used in
await ctx.respond("Pong!")
# Run the bot
# Note that this is blocking meaning no code after this line will run
# until the bot is shut off
If you need to create a new table for the database, follow the naming convention set out in the data/static/build.sql file.
The database utility is now very different. Examples below:
# Inserting data (from plugin)
await plugin.bot.d.db.execute("INSERT INTO ... VALUES ...", ...)
# Selecting data (from plugin)
row = await plugin.bot.d.db.try_fetch_record("SELECT user_id, points FROM experience WHERE user_id = ?", ...)
Datetime objects are automatically converted both ways, so fetching a field with a time in it will return a datetime object, and passing a datetime object to execute
will insert a string timestamp.
import datetime as dt
expires = await plugin.bot.d.db.try_fetch_field("SELECT expires FROM warnings WHERE user_id = ?")
isinstance(expires, dt.datetime) == True
Check the docs of this dependencies:
If you have ideas for new commands you can add them with a pull request, or refactor my code.