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Added BoundaryMesher
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This class allows to build the mesh of the boundary of a given mesh, with an optional offset.
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regislebrun committed Oct 13, 2023
1 parent 2c7fb34 commit c92a0d6
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Showing 12 changed files with 554 additions and 0 deletions.
325 changes: 325 additions & 0 deletions lib/src/Base/Geom/BoundaryMesher.cxx
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@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
* @brief Boundary extraction algorithm for meshes
* Copyright 2005-2023 Airbus-EDF-IMACS-ONERA-Phimeca
* This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this library. If not, see <>.
#include <unordered_map>

#include "openturns/PersistentObjectFactory.hxx"
#include "openturns/BoundaryMesher.hxx"
#include "openturns/TBBImplementation.hxx"


static const Factory<BoundaryMesher> Factory_BoundaryMesher;

/* Default constructor */
: PersistentObject()
// Nothing to do

/* Virtual constructor */
BoundaryMesher * BoundaryMesher::clone() const
return new BoundaryMesher(*this);

/* String converter */
String BoundaryMesher::__repr__() const
OSS oss(true);
oss << "class=" << BoundaryMesher::GetClassName();
return oss;

/* String converter */
String BoundaryMesher::__str__(const String & ) const
return __repr__();

/* Here is the interface that all derived class must implement */

struct FaceHasher
// This hash function is taken from
// It is adapted to the fact that only the (size-1) first components have to be
// considered.
UnsignedInteger operator()(const Indices &face) const
UnsignedInteger seed = face.getSize() - 1;
for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < face.getSize() - 1; ++i)
UnsignedInteger x = face[i];
x = ((x >> 16) ^ x) * 0x45d9f3b;
x = ((x >> 16) ^ x) * 0x45d9f3b;
x = (x >> 16) ^ x;
seed ^= x + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed << 6) + (seed >> 2);
return seed;
}; // FaceHasher

struct FaceCompare
Bool operator()(const Indices &face1, const Indices &face2) const
// The two faces are of size (dimension+1), and we test
// only the dimension first components for equality
return std::equal(face1.begin(), face1.end() - 1, face2.begin());
}; // FaceCompare

struct ComputeNormalPolicy
const Sample & vertices_;
const Collection< Indices > & boundaryFaces_;
const UnsignedInteger dimension_;
const UnsignedInteger baseVertexIndex_;
const Scalar offset_;
Sample & boundaryVertices_;
IndicesCollection & boundarySimplices_;

ComputeNormalPolicy(const Sample & vertices,
const Collection< Indices > & boundaryFaces,
const UnsignedInteger baseVertexIndex,
const Scalar offset,
Sample & boundaryVertices,
IndicesCollection & boundarySimplices)
: vertices_(vertices)
, boundaryFaces_(boundaryFaces)
, dimension_(boundaryVertices.getDimension())
, baseVertexIndex_(baseVertexIndex)
, offset_(offset)
, boundaryVertices_(boundaryVertices)
, boundarySimplices_(boundarySimplices)
// Nothing to do

inline void operator()(const TBBImplementation::BlockedRange<UnsignedInteger> & r) const
Indices face;
Matrix U;
Matrix VT;
SquareMatrix M(dimension_);
SquareMatrix simplexMatrix(dimension_ + 1);

for (UnsignedInteger i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++ i)
UnsignedInteger newVertexIndex = baseVertexIndex_ + i;
face = boundaryFaces_[i];
const UnsignedInteger remainingVertexIndex = face[dimension_];
// Build the face matrix & compute the boundary vertex to thicken the face
// In order to avoid roundoff we first compute the center of the face,
// then we compute the hyperplane of the face translated to the center
Point center(dimension_);
for (UnsignedInteger j = 0; j < dimension_; ++j)
const UnsignedInteger vertexIndex = face[j];
for (UnsignedInteger k = 0; k < dimension_; ++k)
center[k] += boundaryVertices_(vertexIndex, k);
} // j
center /= dimension_;
// Now the centered matrix
for (UnsignedInteger j = 0; j < dimension_; ++j)
const UnsignedInteger vertexIndex = face[j];
for (UnsignedInteger k = 0; k < dimension_; ++k)
M(j, k) = boundaryVertices_(vertexIndex, k) - center[k];
} // j
// Add a new vertex
// Compute the face normal
(void) M.computeSVD(U, VT, true, false);
Point normal(dimension_);
// The normal is the last row of VT
for (UnsignedInteger j = 0; j < dimension_; ++j)
normal[j] = VT(dimension_ - 1, j);
// Check if the vertex removed from the simplex to form a face is on the same side
// of the plane as the one pointed by the normal
if ([remainingVertexIndex] - center) < 0.0)
center += normal * offset_;
center -= normal * offset_;
catch (const Exception &)
// The face was in fact degenerated, not a (dimension - 1) entity
// Nothing to do
boundaryVertices_[newVertexIndex] = center;
boundarySimplices_(i, dimension_) = newVertexIndex;
// Fix the simplex orientation
for (UnsignedInteger j = 0; j <= dimension_; ++j)
const UnsignedInteger vertexJ = boundarySimplices_(i, j);
for (UnsignedInteger k = 0; k < dimension_; ++k) simplexMatrix(k, j) = boundaryVertices_(vertexJ, k);
simplexMatrix(dimension_, j) = 1.0;
Scalar sign = 0.0;
(void) simplexMatrix.computeLogAbsoluteDeterminant(sign, false);
// In odd dimension the positive orientation is for a negative determinant of
// the simplex matrix
if ((sign > 0.0) != (dimension_ % 2 == 1))
IndicesCollection::iterator cit = boundarySimplices_.begin_at(i);
std::swap(*cit, *(cit + 1));
} // i
} // operator ()
}; // struct ComputeNormalPolicy

} // Anonymous namespace

/* The faces defining the boundary of a mesh of simplices are the faces of
simplices not shared by two simplices.
The faces of a simplex are obtained by removing one of its vertices, so in
dimension d a simplex has (d+1) faces.
In order to compare two faces, which are made of vertices indices, we sort the
As we want to keep track of the removed vertex in order to know on which side
of the face is the interior of the domain, we store a face as a (d+1) list of
integers, the d first ones being the indices of the face vertices, the last
one is the index of the removed vertex. A consequence is that we must provide
a dedicated hash function and comparison operator to the std::unordered_map
The whole algorithm is made of 3 main steps:
1) Detect the unique faces
2) Select the corresponding vertices and compact the corresponding indices
3) (optional) If one ask for a thick boundary, compute a normal vector for
each face of the boundary and create a new vertex on the correct side of
the face (inside of the domain if offset<0, outside of the domain if
Mesh BoundaryMesher::build(const Mesh & mesh,
const Scalar offset) const
const UnsignedInteger dimension = mesh.getDimension();
// I. build the list of unique faces
const UnsignedInteger simplicesNumber = mesh.getSimplicesNumber();
IndicesCollection simplices(mesh.getSimplices());
// a) generate the faces given a simplex: for one simplex we get (dimension+1) faces
IndicesCollection simplex2Faces(dimension + 1, dimension + 1);
for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i <= dimension; ++i)
for (UnsignedInteger j = 0; j < i; ++j)
simplex2Faces(i, j) = j;
for (UnsignedInteger j = i; j < dimension; ++j)
simplex2Faces(i, j) = j + 1;
simplex2Faces(i, dimension) = i;
// b) for all the faces of all the simplices, count how many time they appear
// using an unordered map. Here we reserve the maximum possible size in order
// to avoid costly memory reallocation and rehash
std::unordered_map<Indices, UnsignedInteger, FaceHasher, FaceCompare> faces;
faces.reserve(simplices.getSize() * (dimension + 1));
Indices face(dimension + 1);
std::unordered_map<Indices, UnsignedInteger, FaceHasher, FaceCompare>::iterator itFaces;
for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < simplices.getSize(); ++i)
for (UnsignedInteger j = 0; j < dimension + 1; ++j)
for (UnsignedInteger k = 0; k < dimension + 1; ++k)
face[k] = simplices(i, simplex2Faces(j, k));
// Sort only the indices related to the face vertices, not the last one
std::sort(face.begin(), face.end() - 1);
itFaces = faces.find(face);
if (itFaces == faces.end())
faces[face] = 1;
itFaces->second += 1;
} // j
} // i
// c) now we can detect the boundary faces: they have a count equal to 1 in the map
// We use a collection of indices instead of an IndicesCollection here because the size
// of the collection is not known in advance
Collection< Indices > boundaryFaces(simplicesNumber * (dimension + 1), Indices(dimension + 1));
UnsignedInteger boundaryFaceIndex = 0;
for (std::unordered_map<Indices, UnsignedInteger, FaceHasher, FaceCompare>::const_iterator it = faces.begin(); it != faces.end(); ++it)
if (it->second == 1)
boundaryFaces[boundaryFaceIndex] = it->first;
} // if
// Remove the unused space
boundaryFaces.erase(boundaryFaces.begin() + boundaryFaceIndex, boundaryFaces.end());
// II. Create the boundary simplices and vertices
const Sample vertices(mesh.getVertices());
// a) Preallocate enough space to store the boundary vertices and the offset vertex (if asked for)
// Compute the renumbering of the boundary vertices on the fly
const UnsignedInteger boundaryVerticesReserve = (offset == 0.0 ? 0 : boundaryFaces.getSize());
Sample boundaryVertices(vertices.getSize() + boundaryVerticesReserve, dimension);
UnsignedInteger newVertexIndex = 0;
const UnsignedInteger nbVertices = vertices.getSize();
Indices oldToNewIndices(nbVertices, nbVertices);
for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < boundaryFaces.getSize(); ++i)
for (UnsignedInteger j = 0; j < dimension; ++j)
// Get the old vertex index of the jth vertex of the ith boundary face
const UnsignedInteger oldVertexIndex = boundaryFaces[i][j];
// If the vertex has not been seen so far, insert it into the sample of boundary vertices
if (oldToNewIndices[oldVertexIndex] == nbVertices)
boundaryFaces[i][j] = newVertexIndex;
for (UnsignedInteger k = 0; k < dimension; ++k)
boundaryVertices(newVertexIndex, k) = vertices(oldVertexIndex, k);
oldToNewIndices[oldVertexIndex] = newVertexIndex;
boundaryFaces[i][j] = oldToNewIndices[oldVertexIndex];
} // if
} //j
} // i
} // In a dedicated scope to allow for the liberation of oldToNewIndices
// Resize the boundary vertices
boundaryVertices.erase(boundaryVertices.getImplementation()->begin() + newVertexIndex + boundaryVerticesReserve, boundaryVertices.getImplementation()->end());
// Now, create the face in the boundary mesh
IndicesCollection boundarySimplices(boundaryFaces);
for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < boundarySimplices.getSize(); ++i)
// The last index is repeated in order to indicate that it is a surface mesh
boundarySimplices(i, dimension) = boundarySimplices(i, dimension - 1);

// III. If offset is not zero, compute the normal of each face
// using a SVD decomposition of the vertices matrix.
// Here we use the initial vertices to get the vertex of the simplex
// from which the face has been extracted not in the face. It allows us
// to make a distinction between the interior and the exterior of the
// domain.
if (offset != 0.0)
const ComputeNormalPolicy policy(vertices, boundaryFaces, boundaryVertices.getSize() - boundaryVerticesReserve, offset, boundaryVertices, boundarySimplices);
TBBImplementation::ParallelFor(0, boundaryFaces.getSize(), policy);
} // offset != 0
// Return the boundary mesh
return Mesh(boundaryVertices, boundarySimplices, false);

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions lib/src/Base/Geom/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ ot_add_source_file (LevelSet.cxx)
ot_add_source_file (LevelSetMesher.cxx)
ot_add_source_file (Mesh.cxx)
ot_add_source_file (MeshDomain.cxx)
ot_add_source_file (BoundaryMesher.cxx)
ot_add_source_file (RegularGrid.cxx)
ot_add_source_file (DomainComplement.cxx)
ot_add_source_file (DomainIntersection.cxx)
Expand All @@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ ot_install_header_file (LevelSet.hxx)
ot_install_header_file (LevelSetMesher.hxx)
ot_install_header_file (Mesh.hxx)
ot_install_header_file (MeshDomain.hxx)
ot_install_header_file (BoundaryMesher.hxx)
ot_install_header_file (RegularGrid.hxx)
ot_install_header_file (DomainComplement.hxx)
ot_install_header_file (DomainIntersection.hxx)
Expand Down

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