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Bootstrap Extensions

regunathb edited this page Dec 15, 2014 · 3 revisions

Trooper profiles are implementations for handling specific types of workloads such as Batch, Service and Orchestration. However there may be instances where a profile might needed to be extended - for e.g. providing a web-console or hosting a portal. Extensions to Trooper runtime is possible by leveraging the Bootstrap Extension support. As the name suggests, a Bootstrap extension - an implementation of the BootstrapExtension interface, is an add-on to the runtime bootstrap sequence that is executed before loading any configured ComponentContainer. All initialized bootstrap extensions are also made available to the ComponentContainer.

Bootstrap extensions are defined and used as explained below:

  • Define a class class that implements the BootstrapExtension interface. The ApplicationContextFactory is one such implementation of this interface that provides a convenient way to initialize a Spring Application Context.
  • Bootstrap extensions are declared in files named bootstrap_extensions.xml and deployed under the Trooper resources location i.e. /resources/external. A sample bootstrap configuration example :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN 2.0//EN" "">
        Bootstrap extensions configuration. Loads the Jetty Server Beans
    <bean id="dashboardBootstrapExtension" class = "org.trpr.platform.runtime.impl.bootstrapext.BootstrapExtensionInfo">
        <property name="beName" value="dashboardBootstrapExtension" />
	    <property name="beClassName" value = "org.trpr.platform.runtime.impl.bootstrapext.spring.ApplicationContextFactory" />
	    <property name="beProperties">
	            <entry key="jettyBean" value="jetty-config.xml"/>

In the above example, the file jetty-config.xml contains bean definitions for bringing up a Jetty instance. This file too needs to be deployed under the Trooper resources location i.e. /resources/external. A sample file with Jetty bean definitions : Embedded Jetty