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Build and run examples

regunathb edited this page Sep 5, 2012 · 19 revisions

Use the steps described here to build and run the Trooper examples:

A note on dependencies

Certain Trooper profiles like the Orchestration profile depends on 3rd party libraries like Mule and RabbitMQ. Transitive dependencies from these libraries are available in different Maven repositories. It is therefore advisable to create/use a Maven users setting.xml. A sample with relevant repositories is available here : Maven user settings

RabbitMQ install bundle

Trooper uses RabbitMQ 2.8.x that in turn requires the Erlang R15B01 runtime. These may be downloaded from:

Building Orchestration profile example

The Orchestration profile example depends on a number of other Trooper projects. All dependencies are listed in the project's pom file. An easy-to-use build file that builds all dependencies is available as:


Use this pom file to build as follows:

cd examples
mvn clean install -f ./pom-examples-seda-with-dep.xml 

This extract from the Maven Reactor build order lists dependencies among various modules. A description has been added for each of the modules to explain their purpose:

[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] Platform Model                 - Model project containing common XSD files used across profiles
[INFO] Platform Core                  - Libraries project containing common APIs and their implementations
[INFO] Platform Task                  - The Task framework project. APIs mostly with some implementation
[INFO] Platform Integration           - Integration APIs project, may also have some implementations
[INFO] Platform Runtime Core          - Project that brings up the Trooper runtime
[INFO] Service Model                  - Model project containing common XSD files for Service Profile
[INFO] Service Framework Core         - Service Framework core APIs and implementation project
[INFO] RabbitMQ Mule Transport        - RabbitMQ 2.x based trasport aka connector for Mule 2.x
[INFO] SEDA Service Framework         - The Orchestration Profile implementation
[INFO] Example Models                 - Model project containing XSD files for all examples
[INFO] Example Services               - Service Profile based project for example services
[INFO] RabbitMQ Integration           - RabbitMQ based implementation for some Platform Integration APIs
[INFO] Example Orchestration          - Orchestration profile based project using Example Services
[INFO] Trooper Examples               - Umbrella project for building Trooper Orchestration examples

Building Batch profile example

The Batch profile example depends on a number of other Trooper projects. All dependencies are listed in the project's pom file. An easy-to-use build file that builds all dependencies is available as:


Use this pom file to build as follows:

cd examples
mvn clean install -f ./pom-examples-batch-with-dep.xml 

This extract from the Maven Reactor build order lists dependencies among various modules. A description has been added for each of the modules to explain their purpose:

[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] Platform Model                 - Model project containing common XSD files used across profiles
[INFO] Platform Core                  - Libraries project containing common APIs and their implementations
[INFO] Platform Integration           - Integration APIs project, may also have some implementations
[INFO] Platform Runtime Core          - Project that brings up the Trooper runtime
[INFO] Batch Model                    - Model project containing common XSD files for Batch Profile
[INFO] Batch Core                     - Batch Framework core APIs and implementation project
[INFO] Example Models                 - Model project containing XSD files for all examples
[INFO] RabbitMQ Integration           - RabbitMQ based implementation for some Platform Integration APIs
[INFO] Example Batch                  - Batch profile based project using Example Jobs
[INFO] Trooper Batch Examples         - Umbrella project for building Trooper Batch examples

Running the examples

Each of the Trooper profile examples may be run as described below:

Testing the Trooper runtime (Basic profile)

Run the org.trpr.platform.runtime.impl.bootstrap.BootstrapLauncher class from the runtime-core module by specifying path to the Trooper bootstrap configuration i.e. bootstrap.xml after setting relevant classpath for the runtime-core project. In the Eclipse IDE, the classpath may be easily generated by executing:

cd runtime-core
mvn eclipse:eclipse

A console based invocation of the sample might look like: java -cp <runtime-core classpath> org.trpr.platform.runtime.impl.bootstrap.BootstrapLauncher Trooper/runtime-core/src/test/resources/external/bootstrap.xml

A successful execution will print the following on console:

 Trooper __
      __/  \         Runtime Nature : STANDALONE
   __/  \__/         Component Container : None
  /  \__/  \         Startup Time : 583 ms
  \__/  \__/         Host Name: RegusMacBookPro.local

Notice here that this is a vanilla runtime and does not load any "component container" and is just the Basic profile. JMX administration of the runtime is available via an MBean that can be accessed via any MBean inspector like JConsole or JVisualVM and navigated to like : spring.application --> Trooper --> Runtime --> Bootstrap-Test Runtime

The Basic profile is best suited to build out any custom profile on Trooper that best suits an application or a class of application workloads.

Testing services (Service profile)

Run the org.trpr.platform.servicefw.client.StandAloneServiceClient class from the serviceframework-core module by specifying path to the Trooper bootstrap configuration i.e. bootstrap.xml after setting relevant classpath for the example-services project. In the Eclipse IDE, the classpath may be easily generated by executing:

cd example-services
mvn eclipse:eclipse

A console based invocation of the sample might look like:

java -cp <example-services classpath> org.trpr.platform.servicefw.client.StandAloneServiceClient 
Trooper/examples/example-services/src/main/resources/external/bootstrap.xml greetingService 
org.trpr.example.model.service.greetingservice.GreetingServiceResponseXML Trooper/examples/example-services/src/test/resources/external/GreetingServiceRequest.xml

A successful execution will print the following on console:

 Trooper __
      __/  \         Runtime Nature : STANDALONE
   __/  \__/         Component Container : org.trpr.platform.servicefw.impl.spring.SpringServicesContainer
  /  \__/  \         Startup Time : 1,141 ms
  \__/  \__/         Host Name: RegusMacBookPro.local

This runtime uses a "Spring Services" container as the component container and therefore builds up a Service profile on capabilities of the Basic profile described above.

The "Standalone service client" class used in this test launches the Service profile Trooper runtime and executes "GreetingService version 1.0" using the service request specified as runtime arguments. It also opens up the XML-serialized version of the service response in a suitable editor for viewing. It then shuts down the Service profile runtime.

Additionally, the console trace logs output from the "GreetingService version 1.0" that was executed.

Testing service chaining (Orchestration profile)

The Orchestration profile uses Mule 2.x to chain the example services and RabbitMQ 2.x as the messaging layer. Make sure that a RabbitMQ 2.x server/broker is running locally when running this test. Note that the Orchestration profile waits until a RabbitMQ connection is available locally and starts up successfully only on successful connect.

Run the org.trpr.platform.runtime.impl.bootstrap.BootstrapLauncher class from the runtime-core module by specifying path to the Trooper bootstrap configuration i.e. bootstrap.xml after setting relevant classpath for the example-seda project. In the Eclipse IDE, the classpath may be easily generated by executing:

cd example-seda
mvn eclipse:eclipse

A console based invocation of the sample might look like: java -cp <example-seda classpath> org.trpr.platform.runtime.impl.bootstrap.BootstrapLauncher Trooper/examples/example-seda/src/main/resources/external/bootstrap.xml

A successful execution will print the following on console:

* Mule ESB and Integration Platform                                  *
* Version: 2.2.1 Build: 14422                                        *
* MuleSource, Inc.                                                   *
* For more information go to              *
*                                                                    *
* Server started: 8/27/12 6:27 PM                                    *
* Server ID: b77dd6f5-f046-11e1-b8ee-07cf6ca0ca7c                    *
* JDK: 1.6.0_33 (mixed mode)                                         *
* OS encoding: MacRoman, Mule encoding: UTF-8                        *
* OS: Mac OS X (10.7.4, x86_64)                                      *
* Host: RegusMacBookPro.local (                         *
*                                                                    *
* Agents Running: None                                               *
18:27:12.763 [main] INFO  o.t.p.r.i.bootstrap.spring.Bootstrap - 
 Trooper __
      __/  \         Runtime Nature : STANDALONE
   __/  \__/         Component Container : org.trpr.platform.seda.impl.service.MuleServicesContainer
  /  \__/  \         Startup Time : 2,712 ms
  \__/  \__/         Host Name: RegusMacBookPro.local

This runtime uses a "Mule Services" container as the component container and therefore builds up an Orchestration profile on capabilities of the Service profile described above.

The Orchestration profile chains the "GreetingService" response to the "EchoService" as defined in Trooper/examples/example-seda/src/main/resources/external/mule-config.xml. The Mule model is now ready for execution and may be triggered by publishing messages to RabbitMQ.

Run the org.trpr.example.seda.client.SedaClient from the example-seda module after setting relevant classpath for the example-seda project. In the Eclipse IDE, the classpath may be easily generated by executing:

cd example-seda
mvn eclipse:eclipse

A console based invocation of the sample might look like: java -cp <example-seda classpath> org.trpr.example.seda.client.SedaClient

The Seda client publishes 1000 messages each from 10 threads. Each message is an instance of the Earthling Java type.

The console of the Orchestration profile runtime JVM displays logs from the execution of Greeting service and the Echo service.

The Orchestration profile exposes an additional JMX MBean for collecting service invocation statistics and may be navigated to like : spring.application --> Trooper --> Service-Statistics --> ServiceStatisticsGatherer-Test Runtime

Testing batch jobs (Batch profile)

The Batch profile uses Spring batch as the job framework which in turn uses Quartz for job triggering.

Run the org.trpr.platform.runtime.impl.bootstrap.BootstrapLauncher class from the runtime-core module by specifying path to the Trooper bootstrap configuration i.e. bootstrap.xml after setting relevant classpath for the example-batch project. In the Eclipse IDE, the classpath may be easily generated by executing:

cd example-batch
mvn eclipse:eclipse

A console based invocation of the sample might look like: java -cp <example-batch classpath> org.trpr.platform.runtime.impl.bootstrap.BootstrapLauncher Trooper/examples/example-batch/src/main/resources/external/bootstrap.xml

A successful execution will print the following on console:

 Trooper __
      __/  \         Runtime Nature : STANDALONE
   __/  \__/         Component Container : org.trpr.platform.batch.impl.spring.SpringBatchComponentContainer
  /  \__/  \         Startup Time : 1,851 ms
  \__/  \__/         Host Name: RegusMacBookPro.local

This runtime uses a "Batch component container" as the component container and locates and loads individual batch job definitions.

The "Greeting Job" sample demonstrates reading, processing and writing(publishing to a queue) a number of Earthling instances. The job employs the following parallel processing features:

  • Partitioning - uses a grid size of 1 to demonstrate how batch jobs may partition input data on a per instance basis
  • Chunking - demonstrates reading and processing data in chunks before being written out.

The console of the Batch profile runtime JVM displays logs from the execution of Greeting job writer. Refer to the reader, processor and writer Java sources of the Greeting job for behavior details.

The Batch profile exposes an additional JMX MBean for collecting batch execution statistics and interactive job execution and may be navigated to like : spring.application --> Trooper --> Batch-Statistics --> JobAdministrator-Test Runtime