This is an Interrupt Adapter for the Amiga 500/2000 version of Paula.
This adapter is an el cheapo version of the Action Replay. In connection with the HRTMon software you can enter a debugger / monitor at any time while your software is running, and mess around with all of memory (infinite lives, yay!)
I probably started getting into soldering because I wanted to have one of highpuff's INT7 adapters but I could not buy one from him, simply because the cost of shipping across the Atlantic Ocean would by far exceed the value of the adapter. So I ordered a few PCBs from across the Pacific instead and started soldering PLCC-52 sockets and diodes.
Now, a few months later, I also got an Amiga 500 in my collection, and there didn't seem to be a solution like highpuff's adapter available for the most popular of all Amigas. So, I decided to make one.
Here's the Bill of Materials (BOM).
Big thanks to djbase for the inspiration and to highpuff for the A1200/A4000 INT7 adapter