Be my friend: renansilva15-ufpi-picos
- 1000 - Hello World! (JavaScript)
- 1002 - Area of a Circle (JavaScript)
- 1011 - Sphere (C99)
- 1011 - Sphere (Python 3)
- 1019 - Time Conversion (Python 3)
- 1021 - Banknotes and Coins (JavaScript)
- 1040 - Average 3 (C99)
- 1040 - Average 3 (Python 3)
- 1043 - Triangle (JavaScript)
- 1045 - Triangle Types (JavaScript)
- 1046 - Game Time (JavaScript)
- 1050 - DDD (C++17)
- 1060 - Positive Numbers (JavaScript)
- 1065 - Even Between five Numbers (JavaScript)
- 1118 - Several Scores with Validation (C99)
- 1118 - Several Scores with Validation (Python 3)
- 1145 - Logical Sequence 2 (C99)
- 1145 - Logical Sequence 2 (Python 3)
- 1165 - Prime Number (C++17)
- 1172 - Array Replacement I (C++17)
- 1175 - Array change I (C99)
- 1175 - Array change I (Python 3)
- 1179 - Array Fill IV (C99)
- 1179 - Array Fill IV (Python 3)
- 1180 - Lowest Number and Position (Python 3)
- 1985 - MacPRONALTS (C++17)
- 1253 - Caesar Cipher (Python 3)
- 1272 - Hidden Message (Python 3)
- 2162 - Peaks and Valleys (C++17)
- 2311 - Diving (C++17)
- 2311 - Diving (Python 3)
- 2377 - Pedágio (C++17)
- 2761 - Input and Output of Various Types (C99)
- 2761 - Input and Output of Various Types (Python 3)
- 2787 - Chess (C99)
- 2787 - Chess (Python 3)
- 1089 - Musical Loop (JavaScript)
- 1103 - Alarm Clock (JavaScript)
- 1105 - Sub-prime (JavaScript)
- 1245 - Lost Boots (C99)
- 1245 - Lost Boots (Python 3)
- 1337 - King’s Poker (Python 3)
- 1222 - Short Story Competition (JavaScript)
- 1237 - Compare Substring (C99)
- 1237 - Compare Substring (JavaScript)
- 1238 - Combiner (Python)
- 1241 - Fit or Dont Fit II (JavaScript)
- 1257 - Array Hash (C99)
- 1257 - Array Hash (Python 3)
- 1277 - Short Attendance (JavaScript)
- 1278 - Justifier II (C++17)
- 1287 - Friendly Int Parser (Python 3)
- 3300 - Recharged Unlucky Numbers (Python 3)
- 1022 - TDA Rational (C++17)
- 1025 - Where is the Marble? (C99)
- 1069 - Diamonds and Sand (C++17)
- 1110 - Throwing Cards Away (C++17)
- 1215 - Andy's First Dictionary (Python 3)
- 1260 - Hardwood Species (C++17)
- 1261 - Hay Points (C++17)
- 1281 - Going to the Market (C++17)
- 1424 - Easy Problem from Rujia Liu? (Python 3)
- 1451 - Broken Keyboard (Python 3)
- 2653 - Dijkstra (C++17)
- 2602 - Basic Select (PostgreSQL)
- 2603 - Customer Address (PostgreSQL)
- 2604 - Under 10 or Greater Than 100 (PostgreSQL)
- 2605 - Executive Representatives (PostgreSQL)
- 2606 - Categories (PostgreSQL)
- 2607 - Providers' City in Alphabetical Order (PostgreSQL)
- 2608 - Higher and Lower Price (PostgreSQL)
- 2609 - Products by Categories (PostgreSQL)
- 2610 - Average Value of Products (PostgreSQL)
- 2611 - Action Movies (PostgreSQL)
- 2613 - Cheap Movies (PostgreSQL)
- 2614 - September Rentals (PostgreSQL)
- 2615 - Expanding the Business (PostgreSQL)
- 2616 - No Rental (PostgreSQL)
- 2617 - Provider Ajax SA (PostgreSQL)
- 2618 - Imported Products (PostgreSQL)
- 2619 - Super Luxury (PostgreSQL)
- 2620 - Orders in First Half (PostgreSQL)
- 2621 - Amounts Between 10 and 20 (PostgreSQL)
- 2622 - Legal Person (PostgreSQL)
- 2623 - Categories with Various Products (PostgreSQL)
- 2624 - Number of Cities per Customers (PostgreSQL)
- 2625 - CPF Validation (PostgreSQL)
- 2737 - Lawyers (PostgreSQL)
- 2738 - Contest (PostgreSQL)
- 2739 - Payday (PostgreSQL)
- 2740 - League (PostgreSQL)
- 2741 - Students Grades (PostgreSQL)
- 2742 - Richard's Multiverse (PostgreSQL)
- 2743 - Number of Characters (PostgreSQL)
- 2744 - Passwords (PostgreSQL)
- 2745 - Taxes (PostgreSQL)
- 2746 - Viruses (PostgreSQL)
- 2988 - Cearense Championship (PostgreSQL)