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React Native Starter

A useful starter template for React Native projects. It takes care of some repetitive work that you need to do every time a new app is started. Based on what I think are good practices, references below.

What's in the project:

  • Screens: Login, Register, Home and Settings.
  • Authentication managed using createContext, useReducer and AsyncStorage.
  • Custom components and ErrorHandler.
  • ReactNavigation: AuthNavigator, TabNavigator and RootNavigator for manage stacks separately.

Project screens

|Login | Dashboard

|Home | Settings

Start using the project

1- Clone the repository.
2- In the project directory you can run:

npx react-native run-ios
npx react-native run-android

Documentation and template references:

1- Login and Register based on a free template from Instamobile.
2- Docs and Articles:


This project can grow by adding new functionalities that are repetitive in many of the cases that we create a new app. Any feedback will be appreciated.