When you work on anything please create an issue for it or comment on the appropriate issue thus people won't work on the same issues voiding their works. Please make your issue very descriptive and describe what you are trying to achieve with it.
We do not support localizations yet. Although once we will anyone is welcome to help with it to make WolvenKit more avaliable for everyone.
Please use the GitHub Issue tracker.
WolvenKit uses WPF as framework for its GUI and we are using the MVVM pattern.
is the WPF UI (it contains the Views)WolvenKit.App.csproj
is the platform-independent MVVM component (it contains the ViewModels)- Prioritize constructor-injection with our DI
WolvenKit is supposed to be an IDE-like app for developing mods - its UI should prioritize function over form. Visual Studio 2022 is considered the model.
The solution comes with an editorconfig file to use.
The main
branch is the development branch. Releases are created by tag, hotfixes to releases are supposed to be branched-out from the tag. Branches should be created from a GitHub issue and should be focused, small and reviewable.
Please use Conventional Commits when writing commit messages. Examples:
Commit message with description and breaking change footer
feat: allow provided config object to extend other configs
BREAKING CHANGE: `extends` key in config file is now used for extending other config files
Commit message with no body
docs: correct spelling of CHANGELOG
We recommend to read through, and follow as closely as possible the Aviva C# Coding guidelines: https://csharpcodingguidelines.com/
- A class or interface should have a single purpose (AV1000)
- Classes should protect the consistency of their internal state (AV1026)
- Throw exceptions rather than returning some kind of status value (AV1200)
- Provide a rich and meaningful exception message text (AV1202)
- Name assemblies after their contained namespace (AV1505)
- Limit the contents of a source code file to one type (AV1507)
- Use using statements instead of fully qualified type names (AV1510)
- Don't use "magic" numbers (AV1515)
- Always add a block after the keywords if, else, do, while, for, foreach and case (AV1535)
- Build with the highest warning level (AV2210)
See the PDF on https://csharpcodingguidelines.com for details.
- Avoid introducing new compiler warnings in your code.
- Follow the general .NET naming conventions: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/design-guidelines/general-naming-conventions
- Put braces on their own lines:
public void F()
// code
Instead of using the K&R style:
public void F() {
// code