All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Blade: added support to comments folding again (FR #WI-39264);
- Development: added a development guide;
- Plugin: recompiled to support PS 2017.3+ builds;
- Blade: supporting added to following directives:
- Eloquent Inspection: column without annotation could not identify annotated properties on traits;
- Eloquent Inspection: column without annotation could not identify annotated properties in some cases when
overrides the method parameter type;
- Blade: removing folding feature from this plugin for directives
, once that it was implemented by WI-36875 - it still will be foldable, but will be handled now by PhpStorm; - Blade: removing comments folding feature from this plugin once that it was implemented by the next PhpStorm EAP;
- NPE: when
trait is temporarily empty (use <caret>;
0.3.0: Trigon Release - 2017-06-22
- Fluent: property without annotation inspection (more info);
- Fluent: should not be instantiated directly (more info);
- Fluent: should not be used as type directly (more info);
- Blade: support to folding Blade statements and comments (more info);
- Resolution: improvement to variable types resolution (eg. when inside of parentheses);
0.2.0: Digon Release - 2017-06-09
- Plugin: is now distributed on official Jetbrains plugins repository (more info);
- Query Scopes: ctrl+click on a scoped method resolve to scope declaration (more info);
- Query Scopes: code completion to scope methods (more info);
- Eloquent Inspection: column without annotation now try to guess the column type based on some contexts (more info);
- NPE: when class name identifier is absent (eg.
class {}
- Eloquent Inspection: property without annotation renamed to column without annotation;
- NPE: on skip parenteshes, consider that it could have any argument yet (eg.
0.1.0: Monogon Release - 2017-05-31
- Initial development release;
- Eloquent Inspection: column without annotation inspection (more info);