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Ansible role: perl5-modules-install

Perl 5 build and install modules using cpanminus or cpm, with a deployed cpanfile


A cpanfile must be included in files directory (a example is included at files/cpanfile.myproject).

Role Variables

perl5_package_manager: you can select cpanm (default) or cpm (if you have it installed). cpanfile: the name of the cpan file in files directory. Default value: cpanfile.myproject

cpanm options to run: cpanm_configure_timeout: default value 60 (you must increase this value in large packages like Cache::Memcached) cpanm_build_timeout: default value 3600 cpanm_test_timeout: default value 1800 cpanm_options: other options to run. Default: "-n --installdeps" (don't run tests and install dependencies)

cpm options to run: cpm_workers: cpm can parallelize tasts running more workers. Default value 4 cpm_options: You can include other options to run with. Default value: "" (don't run tests by default)

Vars at vars/os family.yml perl5_modules_build_dependencies: list of OS package names needed to build the modules included at cpanfile (example related to cpanfile.myproject is included for each OS family).


This role is designed to run with rentalia/perl5-install role, but you can use it overriding the default values of variables, or setting:

  • perl5_version: default value: "5.24.0"
  • stow_dir: default value: /usr/local/stow
  • perl5_real_path: default value: "{{ stow_dir }}/{{ perl5_name }}"

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
    - rentalia.perl5-install
    - rentalia.perl5-modules-install
# vars from perl5-install
    perl5_version: "5.24.0"
    cpm_install: True
    stow_dir: /opt/stow
# vars from perl5-modules-install
    perl5_package_manager: cpanm
    cpanm_configure_timeout: 3600
    cpm_workers: 2
    cpanfile: cpanfile
# system packages needed (Debian!)
        - g++
        - libmemcached-dev
        - zlib1g-dev
        - libexpat1-dev
        - libxml2-dev
        - xz-utils
        - libpq-dev
        - libssl-dev
        - libcurl4-openssl-dev


This project is licensed under the GPLv3 license - see the LICENSE file for details.

Author Information

This role was created in 2017 by Francisco J. Tsao Santín, devops engineer at Rentalia


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