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Wrapbox runs Ruby method or shell command in a container (ECS, docker).


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'wrapbox'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install wrapbox


Write config.yml

  cluster: wrapbox
  runner: ecs
  region: ap-northeast-1
    - image: joker1007/wrapbox
      cpu: 512
      memory: 1024
      essential: true

  runner: docker
  keep_container: true
    - image: joker1007/wrapbox
      cpu: 512
      memory: 1024

  cluster: wrapbox
  runner: ecs
  region: ap-northeast-1
  # Use already existing task definition
    task_definition_name: foo_task:1
    main_container_name: container_name_where_command_is_executed

run by CLI

$ wrapbox ecs run_cmd -f config.yml \
  -e "FOO=bar,HOGE=fuga" \
  "bundle exec rspec spec/models" \
  "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers" \

run by ruby

Run rake wrapbox:run with CLASS_NAME_ENV and METHOD_NAME_ENV and METHOD_ARGS_ENV

Wrapbox.configure do |c|
  c.load_yaml(File.expand_path("../config.yml", __FILE__))

# runs TestJob#perform("arg1", ["arg2", "arg3"]) in ECS container via `rake wrapbox:run`"TestJob", :perform, ["arg1", ["arg2", "arg3"]], environments: [{name: "RAILS_ENV", value: "development"}]) # use default config
# runs TestJob#perform in local docker container (Use docker cli)"TestJob", :perform, ["arg1", ["arg2", "arg3"]], config_name: :docker, environments: [{name: "RAILS_ENV", value: "development"}]) # use docker config

# runs ls . command in ECS container
Wrapbox.run_cmd(["ls ."], environments: [{name: "RAILS_ENV", value: "development"}])

If ECS runner cannot create task, it puts custom metric data to CloudWatch. Custom metric data is wrapbox/WaitingTaskCount that has ClusterName dimension. And, it retry launching until retry count reach launch_retry.

After task exited, Wrapbox checks main container exit code. If exit code is not 0, Wrapbox raise error.



name desc
runner "ecs" or "docker"

for ECS

name desc
cluster target ECS cluster name
region region of ECS cluster
container_definitions see
task_role_arn see
volumes see
placement_constraints see
placement_strategy see
launch_type see
network_mode see
network_configuration see
capacity_provider_strategy see
cpu see
memory see
enable_ecs_managed_tags see
tags tags of task definitions. see also
propagate_tags specify "TASK_DEFINITION" if you want to propagate tags to tasks. see also
launch_instances specify launch_template (required), instance_type, and tag_specifications for Aws::EC2::Client#run_instances. You can also specify wait_until_instance_terminated (default: true)

WRAPBOX_CMD_INDEX environment variable is available in run_cmd and you can distinguish logs from each command like below:

  log_driver: syslog
    syslog-address: "tcp://"
    tag: wrapbox-{{ printf "%03s" (.ExtraAttributes nil).WRAPBOX_CMD_INDEX }}

for docker

name desc
container_definitions only use image, cpu, memory, and memory_reservation
keep_container If true, doesn't delete the container when the command ends

API, method_name, args,
  runner: nil, # The "runner" value is used in the configuration  if it is nil.
  config_name: nil, # "default" configuration is used if it is nil.
  cluster: nil, # Available only for ECS runner. The "cluster" value in the configuration is used if it is nil.
  launch_type: "EC2", # Available only for ECS runner. The "launch_type" value in the configuration is used if it is nil.
  task_role_arn: nil, # Available only for ECS runner. The "task_role_arn" value in the configuration is used if it is nil.
  execution_role_arn: nil, # Available only for ECS runner. The "execution_role_arn" value in the configuration is used if it is nil.
  tags: nil, # Available only for ECS runner. The "tags" value in the configuration is used if it is nil.
  propagate_tags: nil, # Available only for ECS runner. The "propagate_tags" value in the configuration is used if it is nil.
  container_definition_overrides: {},
  environments: [],
  timeout: 3600 * 24, # Available only for ECS runner. # Available only for ECS runner.
  launch_timeout: 60 * 10, # Available only for ECS runner.
  launch_retry: 10, # Available only for ECS runner.
  retry_interval: 1, # Available only for ECS runner.
  retry_interval_multiplier: 2, # Available only for ECS runner.
  max_retry_interval: 120, # Available only for ECS runner.
  execution_retry: 0, # Available only for ECS runner.
  keep_container: nil, # Available only for Docker runner. The "keep_container" value in the configuration is used if it is nil.


  runner: nil, # The "runner" value is used in the configuration  if it is nil.
  config_name: nil, # "default" configuration is used if it is nil.
  cluster: nil, # Available only for ECS runner. The "cluster" value in the configuration is used if it is nil.
  launch_type: "EC2", # Available only for ECS runner. The "launch_type" value in the configuration is used if it is nil.
  task_role_arn: nil, # Available only for ECS runner. The "task_role_arn" value in the configuration is used if it is nil.
  execution_role_arn: nil, # Available only for ECS runner. The "execution_role_arn" value in the configuration is used if it is nil.
  tags: nil, # Available only for ECS runner. The "tags" value in the configuration is used if it is nil.
  propagate_tags: nil, # Available only for ECS runner. The "propagate_tags" value in the configuration is used if it is nil.
  container_definition_overrides: {},
  ignore_signal: false,
  environments: [],
  timeout: 3600 * 24, # Available only for ECS runner. # Available only for ECS runner.
  launch_timeout: 60 * 10, # Available only for ECS runner.
  launch_retry: 10, # Available only for ECS runner.
  retry_interval: 1, # Available only for ECS runner.
  retry_interval_multiplier: 2, # Available only for ECS runner.
  max_retry_interval: 120, # Available only for ECS runner.
  execution_retry: 0, # Available only for ECS runner.
  keep_container: nil, # Available only for Docker runner. The "keep_container" value in the configuration is used if it is nil.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to

How to test

The following environment variables are required to run all tests.

Name Description
RUN_AWS_SPECS Set "true" to run tests with aws set to true. You should also set credentials for AWS account to run ECS tasks.
ECS_CLUSTER A cluster used in tests. "default" cluster is used if this variable is not set.
OVERRIDDEN_ECS_CLUSTER A cluster used in tests that ensure cluster parameter.
LAUNCH_TEMPLATE_ID A launch template used in tests that ensure launch_instances configuration.
env \
  RUN_AWS_SPECS=true \
  ECS_CLUSTER='some_cluster' \
  OVERRIDDEN_ECS_CLUSTER='another_cluster' \
  LAUNCH_TEMPLATE_ID=lt-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
bundle exec rspec


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at