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Rest Sample Services - Project node-service

That is our core nodejs based rest service project.

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Why did we create that?

Very often when you:

  • like to try out something,
  • learn a new programming lanuage,
  • testing a new framework
  • building a sample
  • teaching people
  • ...

you need a rest backend which

  • is simple to use,
  • makes somehow sence (instead of lorem ipsum ;)
  • is easy to start
  • is undestroyable by wrong requests
  • run on your local system
  • can be shared with other users
  • ...

Finally it helps also us to learn new technologies and having some good and working samples. Feel free to participate, extend the functionality or just use it as you want.

Quick start

Use Microsoft Azure

After creating an free account for microsoft azure do the following steps:

  • for this repo
  • create a App Service (use a free tier service plan - F1)
  • use github as source repository
  • link your App Service to your repo fork

It should run now. But i would suggest to enable CORS in the service settings and create a "reset" scheduled for every 60 minutes (this will recreate a fresh set of data and purg the old one)

You can also use my deployment if it is reachable, but it is running on free tier which means there is not enough performance for more than a handfull parallel clients. And there is maybe somebody else using it.

Use Docker

If you are able to run a docker images, just execute the following command:

docker run-d -p 8081:8081 --name rss blndev/restsampleservice

This will download the image start a container named as "rss", generate some fake data and make the service available at http://localhost:8081/

To see what is happens on the service execute:

docker logs rss

For start and stop you can than use the name of the container which is "rss". docker stop rss docker start rss

Then use a Browser or any Client like postman or curl to access the service.

In the default configuration there is an employee service available under: http://localhost:8081/employees/


Use git and nodejs

Just clone the repository and execute it with "npm start". That will create sample data nd start up the REST Service. The Service will than be available at http://localhost:8081/

You can configure the service, port and available features by modify the "config.json" in our root folder.

Service Descriptions

Employee Service

Our first scenario is an employee service. It is the directory of all employees of your company, containing names, email addresse, phone numbers and a job history.

You can reach it below http://localhost:8071/employees/

If you use the fakeDB as configured by default, then every restart of the service will create new data. All your changes are only in the memory. There is one user which is always available after restart with the userName "testuser".




Delivers a list of all employees in a shorten form. You will recieve an array of user like this:

   firstName: "Jon",
   lastName: "Doe",
   userName: jdoe

GET /{username}/

Here you will recieve all data of the dedicated user. To see the model please have a look here: http://localhost:8081/employees/testuser/

GET /{username}/avatar

Here you will recieve the avatar as image or you will be forwarded to the configured url where the avatar is stored. This url can be used in the browser directly, because the browser will resolve the forward request.

PUT /{username}/

The PUT reuqest allows you to modify the user, except the jobHistory. All Data which you send on a put request will be updated. Data which you dosnt send are not modified or deleted.

The call returns the modified Employee Object as it is stored in the backend after the update.

Note: if you modify the username, then you have to change the url for the next modification.

Sample payload to modify the firstName and an address attribute:

  "firstName": "Sample",
  "address": { "street2": "5. Floor"}

DELETE /{username}/

Will delete the user from the database. There is no undo, but new users are created on restart.

GET /{username}/jobs

Delivers a list of all jobs of the useres job history

GET /{username}/jobs/{jobId}

Gets all data of the selected job history entry. To see the model please have a look here: http://localhost:8081/employees/testuser/jobs/1

PUT /{username}/jobs/{jobId}

The PUT reuqest allows you to modify the selectd job from the histror. All Data which you send on a put request will be updated. Data which you dosnt send are not modified or deleted.

The call returns the modified Employee Object as it is stored in teh backend after the update.

Note: if you modify the username, then you have to change the url for the next modification.

Sample payload to modify the company and an address attribute:

  "company": "Microsoft",
  "address": { "city": "Redmond"}

DELETE /{username}/jobs/{jobId}

Will delete the job history entry from the database. There is no undo.